Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does One Shingles Shot Help

Shingles Can Strike Twice Will The Shingles Vaccine Help

Shingles: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment with Dr. Mark Shalauta | San Diego Health

No one who has experienced the burning, stabbing, painful misery of shingles wants to think about it again. But they should. Why? Because shingles can strike twice, or rarely, even a third time. A shingles vaccine can reduce the chances of a recurrence.

Theres some disagreement about how often recurrence occurs. In one study, researchers examined medical records of nearly 1,700 patients who had a documented case of shingles between 1996 and 2001. They found that more than 5% of these patients were treated for a second episode within an average of eight years. Thats about as likely as getting shingles in the first place if youre age 60 or older. Other studies have shown the recurrence rate to be much lower.

But the bottom line is the same: having shingles once doesnt protect you from ever having it again.

Who Should Not Get The Shingles Vaccine

Some people shouldnt get the shingles vaccine. These people include those:

  • Who currently have shingles.
  • Who have had a severe allergic reaction to the shingles vaccine in the past.
  • Who have tested negative for immunity to the varicella-zoster virus, meaning youve never had chickenpox. If youve never had chickenpox, you should get the chickenpox vaccine.
  • Who are ill. You should wait until your illness has passed before receiving the shingles vaccine.
  • Who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Who Should Avoid Getting The Shingrix Vaccine

You should not get Shingrix if you:

  • Have ever had a severe allergic reaction to any component of the Shingrix vaccine
  • Currently have shingles
  • Currently are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Tested negative for immunity to varicella-zoster virus
  • Have a moderate or severe illness with a temperature of 101.3º F
  • Have gotten Varivax less than eight weeks ago

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What Shingles Vaccines Are Available

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , there are 2 vaccines licensed and recommended to prevent shingles in the U.S.: Shingrix and Zostavax.2 The CDC recommends that healthy adults 50 years and older get 2 doses of Shingrix, separated by 2 to 6 months, to prevent shingles and the complications from the disease.3

How Do I Get The Shingles Vaccination

Zostavax Class Action Lawsuit

Once you become eligible for the shingles vaccination, a GP or practice nurse will offer you the vaccine when you attend the surgery for general reasons.

You can have a shingles vaccine at the same time as most other vaccines. But try to leave 7 days between the shingles vaccine and a coronavirus vaccine, so that if you have any side effects you’ll know which vaccine they were from.

If you are worried that you may miss out on the shingles vaccination, contact your GP surgery to arrange an appointment to have the vaccine.

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Why Do I Need Two Doses Of Shingrix

In addition to a painful rash, shingles can lead to serious health complications like PHN, pneumonia, vision loss, hearing problems, and encephalitis . Research indicates that about 1% to 4% of people with shingles will be hospitalized.

Two doses of Shingrix offer effective protection against shingles and related complications for at least seven years. Among healthy adults ages 50-69, Shingrix is more than 90% effective in preventing PHN when two doses are administered. Among adults ages 70 and older, it is 89% effective.

What Are The Benefits Of The Shingles Vaccine

The shingles vaccines are the best way to protect you from getting shingles. The vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of getting shingles by 50% for Zostavax® II, and to more than 90% for Shingrix®.

For those who still get shingles after being immunized, the vaccines can reduce pain, including the type of pain that lasts after shingles.

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What Should You Do If You Have Shingles

These simple steps can help you reduce the severity and spread of shingles:

  • Cover the rash at all times
  • Do not touch or scratch the rash
  • Wash hands often to prevent the spread of the virus
  • Before the rash develops crusts, avoid contact with:
  • pregnant women who have never had chickenpox or been vaccinated against it
  • premature or low birth-weight infants
  • people with weakened immune systems including those receiving immunosuppressive medications or undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients, and people with HIV.

Shingles Virus Can Sleep Reactivate

Shingles: What you need to know about causes, symptoms, and prevention.

Shingles is caused by the same virus the varicella zoster virus that causes chickenpox. Once you have had chickenpox, the virus that caused it remains inside your nerves. It is inactive, but it can be reactivated later in life. This causes shingles.

When the virus reactivates, the infected nerves, and the skin the nerves go to, become inflamed, causing a burning or stabbing pain. A few days later, when the virus reaches the skin, a rash of blisters appear along the affected nerve. The skin may be very sensitive, unable to tolerate even the lightest touch.

About 1 in 10 adults who get shingles experience long-term pain, even after the rash has healed completely. This condition is called post-herpetic neuralgia . It may last for months, or even years. And it can be debilitating.

After causing shingles, the virus again goes “back to sleep” inside your nerves. But it can still flare up again.

Also Check: How Long To Recover From Shingles

Best For Arthritis And Joint Pain: Voltaren Arthritis Pain Relief Gel

For joint pain due to osteoarthritis, Dr. Mikhael likes creams containing diclofenac, like this gel from Voltaren. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug has been shown to be as effective at relieving arthritis pain and stiffness as well as oral NSAIDs with fewer risks and side effects, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

In the past, Voltaren was only available by prescription. But now a version containing 1 percent diclofenac is available over the counter. The gel formulation isnt greasy, and the twist cap is designed to be easy to open with sore, stiff hands and wrists.

âBuy it: â âPrice: â$9.97

Personal Stories About Considering A Shingles Vaccine

These stories are based on information gathered from health professionals and consumers. They may be helpful as you make important health decisions.

I talked to my doctor about the shingles vaccine and I think I’m going to get it. My wife had shingles 2 years ago, and she was really in a lot of pain. If I can avoid that by getting a vaccine, it will really be worth it to me.

Abel, 65

I’m not going to get a vaccine, at least not right now. I don’t like to take medicines of any kind if I don’t have to.

Hattie, 50

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Should I Get A Vaccine

Doctors say most healthy people over 50 should get Shingrix, as well as anyone 19 or older who are immunocompromised. Itâs available at pharmacies as well as doctorsâ offices. Most people have been exposed to the chickenpox even if they didnât actually develop symptoms.

You should get the Shingrix vaccine unless:

  • You are allergic to any part of the vaccine
  • Had a blood test that proves you never had chicken pox
  • Have shingles now
  • Are breastfeeding or nursing.

What Vaccines Can Help Prevent Shingles

Ontario should fund shingles vaccine: Editorial

There is currently one vaccine available in the U.S. to prevent shingles. Shingrix was approved in 2017 and it is more than 90% effective in preventing shingles. With Shingrix, you get two shots between 2 and 6 months apart and protection lasts an estimated 4-5 years. Doctors recommend it for healthy people over 50 as well as those 19 years of age and older who are or will be immunodeficient or immunosuppressed due to disease or therapy..

An earlier vaccine called Zostavax was removed from the market in 2020. That vaccine used a weak form of the chickenpox virus to send your bodyâs immune system into action to fight the disease. Shingrix does not. If you received the Zostavax vaccine, it is recommended that you also receive Shingrix.

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Is The Shingles Vaccine Covered By Insurance

The shingles vaccine may be covered by insurance depending upon the insurance program:

  • Medicare: Medicare Part D covers shingles vaccine expenses, but it depends on the plan. You may need to pay either in part or full and then get it reimbursed. Medicare part B does not cover the vaccine.
  • Medicaid: Medicaid may or may not cover the vaccine. You can find out by contacting your insurer.
  • Private health insurance: Most private health insurance programs cover the shingles vaccine, but you may need to pay some part of the expenses depending on your plan.
  • Vaccine assistance program: Check with the Shingrix manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline, if they have a Shingrix vaccine assistance program. Through vaccine assistance programs, people who cannot afford the vaccine can get help in the form of free vaccination.

Who Should Not Get A Shingles Vaccine

If your immune system is weakened for any reason, or if you have tuberculosis, you should not get a shingles vaccine. Its also not recommended if youre getting radiation or chemotherapy, or if youve had leukemia or lymphoma.

Those who are pregnant should not receive the shingles vaccine, and women should not plan on conceiving for at least three months after receiving the shot.

Some people may be allergic to some of the ingredients in the vaccine, such as gelatin. If youre not sure, or if you have any concerns, just speak with us. Well be glad to provide details to help you make the right decision.

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How Long After Ive Received The Shingles Vaccine Am I Contagious

With the currently authorized shingles vaccine, Shingrix, you wont be contagious. The old vaccine, Zostavax, used a weakened form of the live varicella-zoster virus. Therefore, people worried about spreading the disease to the people around them.

Shingrix doesnt use a live version of the varicella-zoster virus. It is inactivated, which means it uses a dead version of the virus. Therefore, you have no risk of transmitting the disease to anyone.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

No one likes to get shots, especially for something youve already been vaccinated for. But the newer version of the shingles vaccine is one youll want to offer up your arm for. The Shingrix vaccine is more than 90% effective at helping you prevent shingles. Since most of us have had chickenpox in the past, the shingles vaccine is an easy way to prevent the dormant chickenpox virus from creeping up and hitting you again with shingles.

What Are The Side Effects

New treatment for the pain of shingles

The shingles vaccines are very safe.

Common side effects to the vaccines include headache as well as soreness, redness and swelling where the vaccine was given. Itching and a rash may also occur after getting Zostavax® II. Other reactions that may occur after getting Shingrix® include fever, muscle soreness, fatigue, shivering, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

It is important to stay in the clinic for 15 minutes after getting any vaccine because there is an extremely rare possibility of anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening allergic reaction. This may include hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the throat, tongue, or lips. The chance of true anaphylaxis is about 1 in 1 million vaccine doses. Should this reaction occur, your health care provider is prepared to treat it. Emergency treatment includes administration of epinephrine and transfer by ambulance to the nearest emergency department. If symptoms develop after you leave the clinic, call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. Learn more about anaphylaxis on our vaccine side effects page.

It is important to always report serious or unexpected reactions to your health care provider.

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Best Hot Therapy: Flexpower Pain Relief Lotion Warm

This scent-free pain-relief cream uses trolamine salicylate and methylsulfonylmethane to temporarily numb discomfort while delivering a soothing, warming sensation that builds up a few minutes after applying.

Its a multitasker designed to work for everything from post-exercise soreness to arthritis. Just be sure to wash your hands well after applying so you dont accidentally end up rubbing your eyes â theyll definitely feel the burn.

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How Well Does Shingrix Work

Two doses of Shingrix provide strong protection against shingles and postherpetic neuralgia , the most common complication of shingles.

  • In adults 50 to 69 years old with healthy immune systems, Shingrix was 97% effective in preventing shingles in adults 70 years and older, Shingrix was 91% effective.
  • In adults 50 years and older, Shingrix was 91% effective in preventing PHN in adults 70 years and older, Shingrix was 89% effective.
  • In adults with weakened immune systems, Shingrix was between 68% and 91% effective in preventing shingles, depending on their underlying immunocompromising condition.

In people 70 years and older who had healthy immune systems, Shingrix immunity remained high throughout 7 years following vaccination.

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How Can You Prevent Shingles

Vaccination is the ONLY way to reduce the risk of getting shingles. The CDC recommends that people aged 50 years and older get two doses of the Shingrix® shingles vaccine.

If you have questions about your shingles vaccination, you should talk with your Rite Aid Pharmacist or other health care professional.

What Else Do You Need To Make Your Decision

Expert panel recommends new shingles vaccine

Check the facts

  • That’s right. The vaccine greatly lowers your chances of getting shingles.
  • Sorry, that’s wrong. The shingles vaccine greatly lowers your chances of getting shingles.
  • It may help to go back and read “Get the Facts.” The shingles vaccine greatly lowers your chances of getting shingles.
  • You’re right. But even if you do get shingles, your symptoms are likely to be much milder.
  • Sorry, that’s wrong. You could still get shingles, but your chances are a lot lower with the vaccine.
  • It may help to go back and read “Get the Facts.” You could still get shingles, but your chances are a lot lower with the vaccine.
  • You’re right. The CDC recommends two doses of the shingles vaccine.
  • Sorry, that’s wrong. The CDC recommends the shingles vaccine.
  • It may help to go back and read “Get the Facts.” The CDC recommends the shingles vaccine.

1. How sure do you feel right now about your decision?

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Important Facts About Shingles

The virus that causes shingles is the varicella zoster virus , which is the same one that causes chickenpox. After someone recovers from chickenpox and the rash goes away, the VZV virus still remains in the body. It stays dormant, but it is possible for it to reactivate later in a persons life, which is what causes shingles.

Cortizone 10 Intensive Healing Eczema Lotion

  • Doesnt absorb easily
  • Not recommended for children under two years of age

If youre not wed to natural ingredients, and you want proven effective results fast, you might want to turn to a hydrocortisone eczema cream. This cream from Cortizone-10 features the powerful steroid to fight the most difficult eczema outbreaks. It also uses seven different moisturizers to help calm and heal affected skin.

According to WebMD, over the counter cortisone creams are often the first thing doctors recommend for patients suffering from eczema for its ability to quickly quash the itch with anti-inflammatory effects. But long term use of topical cortisone can cause skin thinning, bruising and more, so its worth doing some research before making your choice.

Soothing aloe, oats and shea butter deliver moisture to allow your skin to heal and repair.

  • Expensive for a small container
  • May irritate sensitive skin
  • Can cause breakouts

Eczema can be tough to tackle, especially if youre looking for a vegan solution that can help heal and restore your itchy and irritated skin. This plant-based formula from THENA could be your answer. It helps to rejuvenate and restore stressed skin to a healthy, natural state using a proprietary mix of natural botanicals.

THENA also makes a mineral therapy bath treatment with Dead Sea salts specifically to target those who suffer from eczema and psoriasis, including babies.

  • Can cause breakouts

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When Should You Get Vaccinated Against Shingles

Most people should be vaccinated against shingles at ages 50 and over. People ages 18 and over who have health conditions or take medications that can weaken the immune system should consider getting the shingles vaccine before age 50.

For people receiving the vaccine at ages 50 and over, there is no particular time and no maximum age when you should be vaccinated.

Vaccination against shingles can be done on its own or alongside other vaccinations, like for the flu or pneumonia. Generally, the vaccine is given in two doses, with the second dose given 2 to 6 months after the first dose.

For people who are receiving the shingles vaccine because of an immune deficiency, the second dose can be given sooner: 1 to 2 months after the first dose.

In this case, if possible, shingles vaccination should be timed with your immune response. This could mean waiting until after a flare-up of your condition has subsided or getting the vaccine before you receive certain immune-suppressing medications.

7 years and remains effective afterward.

Speak with a doctor about how often you should be vaccinated for shingles based on your specific immune system and health concerns.

The shingles vaccine that is currently available in the United States was introduced in 2017, so you may have questions about it. Below are answers to some of the most common questions.

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