Friday, July 26, 2024

Hey Google What Are Shingles

For Children: Chickenpox Vaccine

How To Shingle – Step Flashing

recommend routine immunization with the varicella vaccine during childhood.

With two doses of the vaccine, there is at least a 90% chance of preventing chickenpox. Preventing chickenpox will also prevent shingles.

Children should receive the first dose at . The second dose is at 46 years.

Tests have shown the vaccine to be safe, though some children may experience:

  • pain at the injection site
  • a fever and a mild rash
  • temporary joint pain and stiffness

Since vaccination started in children, the number of shingles cases has

What Are The Symptoms And Stages Shingles

Shingles symptoms appear in stages. At first, you may get headaches or feel like you have the flu, but without a fever. You may also be sensitive to light, have trouble thinking clearly or feel dizzy and weak.

A few days or even weeks later, an area of your body or face will feel itchy, tingly or painful. This is where a rash will appear. The rash will eventually turn into a cluster of blisters that are filled with fluid.

Need Help Finding The Right Color For Your New Roof

Theres so much more to think about than just picking the right color to match your style of home, but that remains among the top considerations for homeowners.

Here are some tips on how to choose the right shingle color. We invite you try out the IKO ROOFViewer® Interactive Roof Shingle Selector Tool to see how any of our shingles will look on your style of home and coordinate with other exterior elements. You can even upload a photo of your own home to try on different shingles.

Always look at actual shingle samples in various light conditions before deciding, just as you would look at paint samples when picking an interior color for your walls. An IKO sales rep or professional roofing contractor will be happy to help you. Just ask!

The information on this website is subject to change without notice. IKO assumes no responsibility for errors that may appear on this website.

IKO strives to accurately reproduce the screen images of the shingle swatches and house photos shown. However, due to manufacturing variances, the limitations of your monitor resolution and the variation in natural exterior lighting, actual colors may vary from the images you see. To ensure complete satisfaction you should make final color selections from several full size shingles and view a sample of the product installed on a home. Please refer to our Legal Notices for U.S.A. or our Legal Notices for Canada.

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The pain was my constant companion which made me feel very melodramatic and like a Brontë character. I made it to the local garden center and nursery without incident. I needed to look at something fresh and vibrant.

Then, as I took off my sunglasses to inspect a potted plant, I heard a kid ask him mom. What happened to her eye, mama? Whats wrong with her eye?

If I had been in possession of a velvet cape to twirl about myself as I skulked off into the darkness, believe me, I wouldve.

But I didnt. So instead, I pocketed my sunglasses and smiled at the kid in question.

Do you know chicken pox? This is shingles, and its chicken pox for grown ups, I told him with a smile on my crusty face.

He considered this as his mom squirmed. Do you get to stay home? he asked.

I nodded Yup. And watch TV.

In just a matter of seconds Id gone from the Beast to a source of envy.

As I write this, Im still blistery and keeping a relatively low profile, but Im no longer housebound. Im also no longer avoiding my reflection. I look and assess and I dont see good or bad or pretty or ugly.

I just see a face, and if I look super close I can almost make out myself.

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Are There Any Home Remedies For Shingles

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Care for the skin rash can be provided at home, and this can offer some symptom relief.

  • Topical calamine lotion can be applied to the rash in order to decrease itching.
  • Cool wet compresses against the painful rash can sometimes be soothing, and for some individuals, a compress with aluminum acetate solution may also be helpful.
  • For some, colloidal oatmeal baths may also provide relief from the itching.
  • It is important to maintain good personal hygiene, avoid scratching the rash, wear loose-fitting clothes, and try to keep the affected area clean in order to prevent secondary bacterial infection of the skin.
  • The rash should be covered to decrease the risk of transmissibility should you come into contact with susceptible individuals.

Also Check: What Is Shingles In Adults

What Does Shingles Look Like

My shingles rash looked like someone had put a cigarette out on my eyelid. Frankly, I bet that would be less painful.

You would have thought by now I wouldve caught on but I never really realized that young people can get shingles. It just never crossed my mind. If I had simply done an internet search of my symptoms, it wouldve been obvious what I had.

According to Healthline:

You may begin to notice pink or red blotchy patches on one side of your body. These patches cluster along nerve pathways The rash quickly develops fluid-filled blisters similar to chickenpox. They may be accompanied by itching. New blisters continue to develop for several days. Blisters appear over a localized area and do not spread over your whole body.

Shingles also commonly has a rash that wraps around half of your waist, which people sometimes call the shingles belt or shingles girdle. Lovely. Id never heard of that, but I am also not over 70, and I assume these terms are more popular in that age bracket.

Developing shingles on your face, like I did, is common. Its also common to get them on your neck and torso though there are lots of other possibilities. And no matter where they look truly ugly and disgusting. More importantly, those blisters hurt. Its deep down nerve pain.

Heres what my shingles looked like around my eye :

So I didnt catch all those initial symptoms of shingles, but my doctor did.

Yeah, youve got shingles, my doctor told me.

How Do Health Care Professionals Diagnose Shingles

Shingles can often be diagnosed by your doctor based on the distinctive appearance and distribution of the characteristic shingles rash.

  • A painful, blistering rash that is localized to defined dermatomes is a sign highly suggestive of shingles.
  • Blood work or other testing is usually not necessary.
  • Diagnosing shingles before the appearance of the rash or in cases of zoster sine herpete can be challenging.
  • In cases where the diagnosis is unclear, laboratory tests are available to help confirm the diagnosis. Depending on the clinical situation, testing can be done using either blood work or by specialized testing of skin lesion samples.

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Shingles Risks And Pregnancy

Pregnant women are susceptible to shingles. Fortunately, shingles in pregnancy is very rare. The antiviral medications described previously are considered safe to use in pregnant women, as are most pain-relieving drugs. Women should not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen in the later stages of pregnancy, but acetaminophen is considered safe. Having chickenpox during pregnancy has the potential to cause birth defects, depending upon when in the pregnancy the infection occurs. The risk of birth defects is believed to be lower with shingles than with primary chickenpox infection.


  • Wikipedia â Courtesy of Fisle
  • Image reprinted with permission from, 2012. Dr. Dancewiez/CDC
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    Wrap Up On Florida Shingle Roofs

    Getting Shingles at a younger age

    We hope this direct comparison and overview of the two most popular shingles for Florida roofs will help you decide the best option for your roof and budget. When we take all of the aspects mentioned above into consideration, its clear that architectural shingles are the best type of shingles for Florida roofs. They not only perform better than 3-tab, but theyre also more aesthetically pleasing. They help raise the value of your property and are continually growing in popularity in the entire roofing market in Florida and beyond.

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    What If I Have Shingles And A Poor Immune System

    If you have a poor immune system and develop shingles then see your doctor straightaway. You will normally be given antiviral medication whatever your age and will be monitored for complications. People with a poor immune system include:

    • People taking high-dose steroids. per day for more than one week in the previous three months. Or, children who have taken steroids within the previous three months, equivalent to prednisolone 2 mg/kg per day for at least one week, or 1 mg/kg per day for one month.)
    • People on lower doses of steroids in combination with other immunosuppressant medicines.
    • People taking anti-arthritis medications which can affect the bone marrow.
    • People being treated with chemotherapy or generalised radiotherapy, or who have had these treatments within the previous six months.
    • People who have had an organ transplant and are on immunosuppressive treatment.
    • People who have had a bone marrow transplant and who are still immunosuppressed.
    • People with an impaired immune system.
    • People who are immunosuppressed with HIV infection.

    Is The Condition Curable

    There is no cure for shingles, but attacks can be rendered less severe and their duration shortened with the use of prescription antiviral drugs.

    Several antiviral medicinesacyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovirare available to treat shingles and shorten the length and severity of the illness. These medicines are most effective if you start taking them as soon as possible after the rash appears. If you think you have shingles, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible to discuss treatment.

    Pain medicine, either over-the-counter or a prescription from your doctor, may help relieve the pain caused by shingles. Wet compresses, calamine lotion, and colloidal oatmeal baths can also help relieve itching.

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    How Often Does Shingles Return

    Experts don’t know exactly how many people get shingles more than once. They do know it comes back more often in people with weakened immune systems.

    If your immune system is healthy:

    • In the first several years, your chances of having shingles again are lower than it is for people who have never had shingles.
    • Over time, your chances of a second bout go up. One study found that within 7 years, the odds of getting it again may be almost 5%. That’s about the same as the odds of getting shingles the first time.

    What Is The Outlook

    Imágenes de cuartos

    If you have a particularly severe case of shingles, it could take months to go away. It can also become a long-term problem for some people. If you have postherpetic neuralgia, you may need to see your doctor more often.

    Complications that involve the eye or ear may require ongoing care, especially if you have lingering vision or hearing problems.

    Most people have shingles only once, but it can recur. This is more likely to happen if you have a weakened immune system.

    If you havent had any major complications, your symptoms should clear up within a matter of weeks with few, if any, lasting effects.

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    Can You Get Shingles More Than Once

    Although possible, its rare to experience shingles more than once. In a 2019 study , researchers found the reoccurrence rate of shingles was 5.3 percent over an average of a 4.4-year follow-up period.

    The researchers found that experiencing shingles that lasted more than 30 days significantly increased the risk of reoccurrence. Other risk factors were:

    How Do Dermatologists Diagnose Shingles

    A dermatologist can often diagnose shingles by looking at the rash on your skin.

    If there is any question about whether you have shingles, your dermatologist will scrape a bit of fluid from a blister. This will be sent to a lab where a doctor will look at the fluid under a high-powered microscope.

    When you have shingles, the fluid contains the virus that causes shingles. Seeing the virus confirms that you have shingles.

    Your dermatologist will also ask about your symptoms. Shingles tends to be painful.

    When the shingles rash spreads to an eye, it can affect your eyesight

    You can reduce this risk by seeing an ophthalmologist immediately.

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    General Measures To Alleviate Shingles Symptoms

    Loose-fitting cotton clothes are best to reduce irritating the affected area of skin. Pain may be eased by cooling the affected area with ice cubes , wet dressings, or a cool bath. A non-adherent dressing that covers the rash when it is blistered and raw may help to reduce pain caused by contact with clothing. Simple creams may be helpful if the rash is itchy. Calamine lotion can help to cool the skin and reduce mild itchiness.

    Do I Need To Stay Away From Children Pregnant Women People With Cancer Or Anyone With A Weak Immune System After I Get The Zostavax Vaccine

    Top 10 Things I Learned About The Shingles Virus

    According to the CDC, it is safe to be around babies and young children, pregnant women or anyone with a weakened immune system after you get the Zostavax vaccine. Even though the Zostavax vaccine contains a weakened live varicella zoster virus, the CDC says there is no documented case of a person getting chickenpox from someone who has received the Zostavax vaccine.

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    What Is Shingles What Does Shingles Look Like

    Shingle is a disease characterized by a painful, blistering skin rash that affects one side of the body, typically the face or torso. This condition may also be referred to as herpes zoster, zoster, or zona. The word shingles comes from the Latin word cingulum, which means belt. There are approximately 1 million estimated new cases per year in the U.S., with almost one out of every three people developing shingles at some point in their lifetime. Though most people who develop shingles will only have a single episode, there are some who develop recurrent cases of shingles. Shingles are more common in older individuals and in those with weakened immune systems.

    The characteristic rash of shingles typically appears after an initial period of burning, tingling, itching, or stinging in the affected area. After a few days, the rash then appears in a stripe or band-like pattern along a nerve path , affecting only one side of the body without crossing the midline. The rash erupts as clusters of small red patches that develop into blisters, which may appear similar to chickenpox. The blisters then break open and slowly begin to dry and eventually crust over.

    Shingles Symptoms: The Rash

    The rash associated with herpes zoster begins as small blisters in a reddish background. New blisters form for the next few days, usually 3 to 5 days. Blisters emerge in a path of individual nerves in a specific ray-like distribution called a dermatomal pattern. Blisters tend to break out in a band-like pattern over an area of skin.

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    Severe Shingles Rash That Require Special Attention

    Shingles on the FACE , shingles in the EYE, or shingles in the EAR do require IMMEDIATE medical attention.

    According to doctors at Mayo Clinic, if the shingles rash reaches your eye, it can cause eye infections that could lead to temporary or even permanent loss of vision. If you have a shingles rash that is on your eye, eyelid or forehead , you should go see a doctor as soon as possible.

    If the shingles rash is in or on your ear, you could develop hearing or balance problems, and in rare instances, the virus might attack your brain or spinal cord. For these reasons, if you have developed a shingles rash in or around your ear , you should seek immediate medical attention.

    Is There A Vaccine For Shingles

    Sold Property

    There are two shingles vaccines currently available, Shingrix and Zostavax. Shingrix vaccine, a newer vaccine, is preferred over Zostavax for the prevention of shingles and its complications. Two doses of Shingrix given 2 to 6 months apart are recommended for healthy adults 50 years of age and older. Shingrix is also recommended for adults who have previously received Zostavax. A single dose of Zostavax may still be used to prevent shingles in certain cases for healthy adults 60 years and older.

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    Who Should Not Be Vaccinated With Shingrix

    You should not receive the Shingrix vaccine if you:

    • Have ever had a severe allergy to this vaccine or any ingredient in this vaccine.
    • Are breastfeeding or pregnant.
    • Are somewhat ill or very ill and have a high fever.
    • Have tested negative for immunity to varicella zoster virus .

    Ask your healthcare provider if the benefits of getting the vaccine outweigh any potential risks.

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