Saturday, July 27, 2024

Can You Get Shingles On Your Feet And Toes

Other Complications Of Shingles

Shingles: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment with Dr. Mark Shalauta | San Diego Health

If the shingles rash appears around the eye or forehead, it can cause eye infections and temporary or permanent loss of vision. If the shingles virus attacks the ear, people may develop hearing or balance problems. In rare cases, the shingles virus may attack the brain or spinal cord. These complications can often be prevented by beginning treatment for shingles as soon as possible.

What Do Shingles Look Like At The Beginning

When the rash starts, you may notice pink or red blotchy patches on one side of your body. These patches cluster along nerve pathways. Some people report feeling shooting pain in the area of the rash. During this initial stage, shingles is not contagious.

Can you get shingles rash on your legs?

If you have a collection of blisters or rashes on your skin, its a sign of shingles. While shingles often appear as a band on your torso , you can face an outbreak anywhere on the body, and your groin and leg are no exception.

What does shingles look like on the foot?

What does Shingles Herpes Zoster look like? The first thing you should notice is a patch of red spots that develop on the skin, causing the skin around them to turn pink/red. After a while these will blister, and can fill with blood or pus. After this, the blisters will scab, and fall off over a period of 2-3 weeks.

Can you get shingles on your feet and hands?

Shingles occurs more commonly on the chest and back, but can involve the arms and legs. The small blisters on this persons hand represent involvement of the dermatome innervated by the 7th cervical nerve.

Is That Rash By My Eye Really Shingles

Shingles tends to show up most frequently on the torso, just because of the laws of probability, notes Joseph Safdieh, MD, a professor of neurology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City. In that area of your body, there are 24 nerves that can host the virus, compared with the 10 in your lower back.

Often, its not what the rash looks like, but what it feels like before and after it shows up, that signals the condition. Up to several days before the shingles rash appears, pain, itching, or tingling often occurs in the area where it will develop.

In the days before the rash appears, a variety of other flu-like symptoms of shingles can occur. You may experience:

You may even experience the pain but not the rash. Because the pain of shingles originates in the nerves, it may have a different quality than any other pain you have experienced before.

Neuropathic pain is burning, says Dr. Safdieh. Its both numb and painful at the same time, and can be provoked by touching the skin. Your skin may be so sensitive that even sunlight can bring on a stabbing sensation.

Even if you arent sure you have shingles, you should still see a doctor right away, because immediate treatment can prevent complications like long-term nerve pain.

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Composite Plastic Roof Shingles

Composite plastic shingles are generally produced from recycled plastic materials. They are a way to get more life out of plastics and other materials that would simply be tossed out in most instances so they are a great environmentally friendly roof replacement option. You can expect to pay $4 to $6 per sq. foot for plastic shingles or $400 to $600 per square installed on a standard sized single story home.Composite plastic shingles can be designed to imitate stone slate tiles or even wood shakes. They are much lighter than slate or other roofing types which make them easy to install. Composite plastic shingles are relatively affordable, but they are not as long lasting as most other shingle types. Plastic roofing lasts from 7 to 20 years depending on the type of plastic you choose to install.

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What Does Shingles Look Like

Shingles on the Feet

Shingles appears as a group of red spots on a pink-red background which quickly turn into small fluid-filled blisters. Some of the blisters burst, others fill with blood or pus. The area then slowly dries, crusts and scabs form. The scabs will fall off over the next two to three weeks.

The rash usually covers a well-defined area of skin on one side of the body only and will not cross to the other side of the body.The position and shape of the rash will depend on which nerves are involved. Shingles can affect any area, but the most common areas include the body or down an arm or leg. Less commonly, shingles can affect one side of the face, and occasionally can cause complications affecting one eye.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Shingles

Shingles may cause mild to severe pain, and the viral rash most commonly appears on the trunk, notes the CDC. Unlike chickenpox, the shingles rash usually occurs on one side of the body or face.

The first symptom of shingles is usually pain, itching, or tingling in the area where the shingles rash will later appear. This may happen several days before the rash erupts, leading to fluid-filled blisters like those of chicken pox. The blisters typically scab over in 7 to 10 days and clear up within two to four weeks, according to the CDC.

Other signs and symptoms of shingles may include:

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Eczema Causes Oozing Bumps Like The Shingles Virus

Eczema is a rash that occurs when the skin has an exaggerated inflammatory response to an irritant. Eczema can result in red, dry, and extremely itchy patches on the skin. In some people, eczema will cause oozing bumps, a condition that could be mistaken for the shingles rash. Eczema cannot be cured, but most people can control it by identifying and avoiding the allergic triggers that cause the condition.

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Can We Cure Shingles

After a while, shingles will go away on its own. Your doctor may prescribe oral antiviral treatments to help clear rashes sooner. It helps some of the symptoms.

These medicines can help when it affects certain parts of the body.

  • If shingles takes on or around the area affecting the eye, it is possible that the infection can lead to inflammation and ulcers of the structures supporting the eye. It can lead to potential scarring, glaucoma and/or blindness. If you are experiencing symptoms in these areas, contact your doctor immediately. They may refer you to an eye doctor for further treatments.
  • When the muscles supplied by the affected nerves begin to feel symptoms, they may begin to weaken. This may be especially noticeable in the muscles of the face. They may even undergo temporary paralysis.

The pain associated with shingles may persist for a while after the infection clears. We call this pain postherpetic neuralgia. This usually occurs in the elderly. It can last for a range of 6 months to a year or more.

Contact Dermatitis Can Cause A Rash And Blisters

Shingles: What You Should Know | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Contact dermatitis can also cause a rash, blisters, itching, and burning, per the ACAAI. It occurs when the skin comes into contact with an irritant or an allergen, such as soaps, laundry detergents, shampoos, metals, medications, and more. Allergens like poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac can cause red, itchy rashes that may include blisters. Treatment can offer relief and aid healing.

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Signs Of Shingles Before The Rash Appears

Before the rash appears, early warning signs of shingles, which may be present, include:

  • Itching, burning pain, numbness, tingling in the place where the rash will develop
  • Flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever, headache, feeling fatigued or overly tired

After the initial skin complaints develop into the shingles rash, the condition typically lasts for two to four weeks. The pain typically worsens as the rash develops and alleviates as it heals.

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Foot Blisters From Excessive Heat

Blisters can also develop in response to intense heat due to:

  • Burns: First degree burns will often blister after a couple of days as they are healing. Second-degree burns usually blister immediately
  • Sunburn: Excessive exposure to UV light leads to sunburn which can result in painful blistering of the skin

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Timeline Of Shingles Symptoms

Shingles actually doesnât occur without a prior chickenpox infection. VZV lies dormant in nerve roots after you recover where it can reactivate years later, returning as shingles. But though they share the same viral cause, the two conditions are distinct.

The first sign of shingles is usually a burning or stinging sensation in a band-like formation around the waist, chest, stomach, or back.

You may experience itching or become incredibly sensitive to even the softest touch. The weight of bed sheets on your skin may be uncomfortable. You may also experience fatigue, fever, and headache.

After a few days or even up to a couple of weeks, the telltale shingles rash will appear. This rash consists of fluid-filled blisters that worsen quickly. The blisters may look like chickenpox, but they are clustered together.

The shingles rash can vary in color, depending on your skin tone. On darker skin, the rash may be pink, grayish, dark brown, or even purple. On lighter skin, it will be red.

This is the stage at which VZV can be passed on to someone who has never had or been vaccinated against chickenpox.

Blisters typically scab over within a week to 10 days. Shingles typically takes three to five weeks to progress through all of its stages.

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Can You Get Shingles On The Bottom Of Your Leg

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Yes, you can get shingles on your buttocks. The shingles rash most often occurs on the torso and buttocks. It may also appear on other parts of your body, including the legs, arms, or face. Shingles is characterized by an outbreak of rash or blisters on the skin.

What do shingles look like at the beginning?

Early symptoms of shingles may include fever and general weakness. You may also feel areas of pain, burning, or a tingling sensation. A few days later, the first signs of a rash appear. You may begin to notice pink or red blotchy patches on one side of your body.

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How Is It Treated

It is best to start treatment as soon as possible after you notice the rash. See your healthcare provider to discuss treatment with antiviral medicine, such as acyclovir. This medicine is most effective if you start taking it within the first 3 days of the rash. Antiviral medicine may speed your recovery and lessen the chance that the pain will last for a long time.

Your provider may also recommend or prescribe:

  • medicine for pain
  • antibacterial salves or lotions to help prevent bacterial infection of the blisters
  • corticosteroids

Can One Get Shingles In The Leg

There are many misconceptions about shingles, and for those who have never had it, it can be hard to understand the symptoms. One common misconception is that one only gets shingles on the torso or the face. This is not true! One can get shingles anywhere on their body, including in their legs. The pain may be different but no less intense than someone elses would be if they got shingles on their torso or face.

Shingles is caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus that is dormant in the nervous system. Therefore, the rash appears in a dermatomal pattern most of the time, which means that the rashes will appear and spread on a particular area of skin supplied by the same spinal nerve. If the relevant nerves are affected, it is also possible to experience shingles on the leg. Although It is relatively unusual, the shingles rash may develop in more than one area of the body as the virus may affect more than one set of nerves. When three or more dermatomes are affected, the rash can develop over multiple areas of the body, and this is known as the disseminated zoster. Fortunately, this is known to be extremely rare, although it should be noted that people with a weaker immune system are at a higher risk of developing such a condition.

While shingles on the leg may be mistaken for other skin conditions, including hives, psoriasis, or eczema, the characteristics of a rash will prove helpful in providing the correct diagnosis:

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How To Identify Shingles On Your Groin And Leg

Though a discolored rash or blistering is the most visible sign of shingles, they dont appear first. It starts with tingling and pain underneath your skin before a rash appears on your skin. In many cases, the pain caused by shingles persists with no blister or rash developing.

Then after a few days, a fluid-filled blister appears. Some of them turn crusty or burst open. The rash can be sensitive or itchy to the touch.

Some more symptoms to identify shingles may include

How Can I Take Care Of Myself

How to treat shingles
  • Take a pain-relief medicine such as acetaminophen. Take other medicine as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • Put cool, moist washcloths on the rash.
  • Rest in bed during the early stages if you have fever and other symptoms.
  • Try not to let clothing or bed linens rub against the rash and irritate it.
  • You develop worsening pain or fever.
  • You develop a severe headache, stiff neck, hearing loss, or changes in your ability to think.
  • The blisters show signs of bacterial infection, such as increasing pain or redness, or milky yellow drainage from the blister sites.
  • The blisters are close to the eyes or you have pain in your eyes or trouble seeing.
  • You have trouble walking.

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If I Have Disseminated Zoster/shingles What Can I Expect For My Hospital Stay

It is important to note that most people with shingles do not need to be in a hospital, but if you do:

  • You will be in an airborne-contact isolation room.
  • The door will be kept closed.
  • A sign on your door will remind people who have never had chickenpox or the vaccine not to enter.
  • The sign will also remind staff to wear gowns and gloves when entering the room.

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What Complications Are Associated With Sciatica

Most people recover fully from sciatica. However, chronic pain can be a complication of sciatica. If the pinched nerve is seriously injured, chronic muscle weakness, such as a drop foot, might occur, when numbness in the foot makes normal walking impossible. Sciatica can potentially cause permanent nerve damage, resulting in a loss of feeling in the affected legs. Call your provider right away if you lose feeling in your legs or feet, or have any concerns during your recovery time.

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Can Shingles Be Harmful During Pregnancy

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Still, pregnant women who develop chicken pox can experience complications, including varicella pneumonia, a condition that can be fatal.

If a pregnant woman develops a varicella rash from five days before to two days after delivery, the newborn will be at risk for neonatal varicella.

Pregnant women who have been exposed to the virus may be given a varicella-zoster immune globulin injection to reduce the risk of complications to both mother and baby.

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Incubation Period And Prodrome

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The average incubation period for varicella is 14 to 16 days after exposure to a varicella or a herpes zoster rash, with a range of 10 to 21 days. A mild prodrome of fever and malaise may occur 1 to 2 days before rash onset, particularly in adults. In children, the rash is often the first sign of disease.

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Foot And Ankle Neuropathy And Nerve Entrapment Treatment

Depending on the cause of the neuropathy, specialists will develop a personalized treatment to help relieve symptoms and restore movement. We can treat most foot and ankle neuropathies and nerve entrapments without surgery. Although surgery may be needed in severe cases. Treatments may include:

  • IcingIcing can relieve swelling and inflammation to help the nerve heal.
  • MassageMassage can relieve compression of the nerve and help with pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory medicinesMedicines available over the counter or by prescription can reduce inflammation and pain. Cortisone injections into the affected nerve may be recommended if oral medications are not effective.
  • Physical therapyA physical therapist can help strengthen and stretch your foot and ankle muscles. This can help reduce stiffness and increase flexibility.
  • OrthoticsPlacing custom inserts or shoe pads inside your shoes can relieve pain and help with mobility.
  • SurgeryIf nonsurgical treatments do not relieve symptoms, your physician may recommend surgery to decompress the nerve and repair or remove the damaged area. Specialists perform many foot and ankle surgeries using minimally invasive techniques. This involves smaller incisions, less bleeding and often a faster recovery time.

Who Should Not Get The Vaccine

Do not get the shingles vaccine if:

  • You have a severe allergic reaction, such as anaphylaxis, to any ingredient of a vaccine or to a previous dose of Shingrix
  • You have shingles now.
  • You are sick with an illness and a fever of 101ðF or higher.

  • You should also consider delaying the vaccine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Not enough is known about its safety for expectant and lactating women.
  • You have had a negative test for varicella this would be uncommon for adults eligible for the vaccine, as most adults worldwide ages 50 and older have been exposed to the virus. You do not have to be tested before getting the vaccine.

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