Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Do Doctors Treat Shingles

Differences Between Eczema And Psoriasis

Shingles: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment with Dr. Mark Shalauta | San Diego Health

Visually, it can be difficult to tell atopic dermatitis and plaque psoriasis apart.

You have to look at all the clinical aspects of a rash to distinguish between eczema and psoriasis, including the history and the patients other medical problems, Dr. Fernandez notes. We can often visually distinguish psoriasis lesions from eczema lesions, but there are definitely times when we cannot tell the difference. In those cases, we perform biopsies.

He explains some of the differences between the two diseases.

When Should I See My Doctor

See your doctor as soon as possible if you are experiencing any symptoms of shingles. Starting treatment with antiviral medicines within 3 days of the rash appearing should reduce the severity of symptoms and the risk of further complications, including post-herpetic neuralgia.

See your doctor straight away if you have symptoms of shingles and are experiencing the following:

  • symptoms that affect your eye area
  • a temperature of 38°C or higher

You should also see your doctor if you are pregnant, or have a weakened immune system due to medicine that suppresses the immune system, or a condition that weakens your immune system.

Pain Management Specialists Located In Evans Ga & Thomson Ga

An estimated 1 million cases of shingles are diagnosed every year in the United States. While this painful condition can affect anyone who has had chickenpox at any time, your risk increases as you get older. The physicians at Advanced Pain Management in Evans, Georgia, offer medical treatment that reduces the severity and duration of shingles, and can help relieve your pain. If you need treatment for shingles, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

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Comparing Shingles And Eczema: Signs And Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of eczema include dry and sensitive skin, intense itching, skin redness and inflammation, recurring rash, scaly areas, rough leathery patches, oozing and crusting of the skin, areas of swelling, and dark colored patches on the skin.

Symptoms of shingles include pain, burning, numbness or tingling of the skin, sensitivity to touch, a red rash followed by days of pain, fluid-filled blisters that break open and crust over, and itching. Some patients may experience fever, headache, sensitivity to light, and fatigue.

You should see a doctor immediately if the shingles rash is near the eyes, as it can lead to permanent eye damage if you are over the age of 70, if you have a weakened immune system, or if the rash is widespread and painful.

Get Medical Care For Shingles Immediately

How Shingles Is Treated

If you have a blistering rash, you want to see a doctor as soon as possible. Should you have shingles, starting prescription medication within 2 to 3 days of developing the rash can dramatically:

  • Reduce your symptoms, such as pain

  • Lessen the amount of time you have shingles

  • Lower your risk of developing other health problems, such as a condition called postherpetic neuralgia, which is pain that can linger for months or years after the rash clears

If youve had the rash for longer than 2 or 3 days, its still important to see a doctor. Shingles can lead to other health problems aside from long-lasting pain. For example, when the shingles rash develops on your face, it can affect your eyesight. Treatment can save your eyesight.

A few people who get shingles develop pneumonia, hearing loss, or a disease that causes the brain to swell . Its important to find signs of these early, so that you can receive treatment.

When you see your doctor, you may hear the medical term herpes zoster. This is the medical name for shingles.

Get medical care immediately

Getting medical treatment within 3 days of developing the shingles rash can greatly reduce your risk of developing long-lasting pain.

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Am I At Risk For Shingles

Everyone who has had chickenpox is at risk for developing shingles. Researchers do not fully understand what makes the virus become active and cause shingles. But some things make it more likely:

  • Older age. The risk of developing shingles increases as you age. About half of all shingles cases are in adults age 60 or older. The chance of getting shingles becomes much greater by age 70.
  • Trouble fighting infections. Your immune system is the part of your body that responds to infections. Age can affect your immune system. So can HIV, cancer, cancer treatments, too much sun, and organ transplant drugs. Even stress or a cold can weaken your immune system for a short time. These all can put you at risk for shingles.

Most people only have shingles one time. However, it is possible to have it more than once.

Can I Give Shingles To Others

No one can catch shingles from you. But the virus can be spread to a person who has never had chickenpox. The virus lives in the blisters that shingles causes. It can be spread until the blisters are completely healed. If you have blisters that have not crusted over yet, you should stay away from:

  • Anyone who has never had chickenpox
  • Babies under 12 months old
  • Very sick people

Tell your doctor if you live with children who have not had chickenpox. They may need to be vaccinated.

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How Does Id Care Treat Shingles

Although there is no cure for shingles, receiving early treatment at ID Care ensures youll receive the specific medication you need to attack the virus and prevent lingering pain. Typically, we prescribe antiviral drugs because these can expedite the healing process and reduce your risk of complications in the future. If youre experiencing severe pain, our team of specialists may also recommend numbing agents, such as lidocaine, either as a cream, gel, spray, or skin patch.

Who Should Not Get Shingrix

New treatment for the pain of shingles

You should not get Shingrix if you:

  • Have ever had a severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine or after a dose of Shingrix.
  • Currently have shingles.
  • Currently are pregnant. Women who are pregnant should wait to get Shingrix.

If you have a minor illness, such as a cold, you may get Shingrix. But if you have a moderate or severe illness, with or without fever, you should usually wait until you recover before getting the vaccine.

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How To Apply Mometasone Scalp Lotion

You will usually use the scalp lotion once a day.

You can use it on wet or dry hair.

  • Wash and dry your hands.
  • Unscrew the bottle cap and place the nozzle directly on your scalp.
  • Apply a few drops of scalp lotion to the affected area of the scalp.
  • Gently massage until the lotion disappears.
  • Wash your hands afterwards.
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    When Should You Consult A Physician

    If you notice a persistent pain or a widespread itchy rash on your body, Dr. Danoff recommends scheduling an immediate appointment with your physician.

    For people over 60, its especially important to get medical care at the first sign of shingles.

    For people over 60, it is especially important to get medical care at the first signs of shingles, as sometimes pain in the affected area can linger months to years following an outbreak if the nerves have been damaged, explains Dr. Danoff. Immediate care is also crucial in preventing possible complications, such as:

    • Vision lossa possible result of eye infections caused by shingles in or around an eye
    • Neurological problemse.g. inflammation of the brain, facial paralysis, or hearing/ balance problems
    • Post-herpetic neuralgiaa painful condition that may result from shingles and last for many weeks or months, even after the rash has disappeared
    • Skin infectionsoccur when shingles blisters arent properly treated

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    When Should You Call For Help

    or seek immediate medical care if:

    • You have a new or higher fever.
    • You have a severe headache and a stiff neck.
    • You lose the ability to think clearly.
    • The rash spreads to your forehead, nose, eyes, or eyelids.
    • You have eye pain, or your vision gets worse.
    • You have new pain in your face, or you can’t move the muscles in your face.
    • Blisters spread to new parts of your body.
    • You have symptoms of infection, such as increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness.

    Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor if:

    • The rash has not healed after 2 to 4 weeks.
    • You still have pain after the rash has healed.

    Eczema Up And Down The Legs

    Expert panel recommends new shingles vaccine

    Eczema on the legs may often occur in body creases, such as the back of the knee or the front of the ankle. These areas may trap sweat or irritants from clothing and the air.

    Close contact of irritants with skin and areas of skin rubbing together create a perfect environment for atopic dermatitis to thrive.

    If eczema on the backs of the knees isnt quickly or effectively treated, it can become very irritating and painful. Constant contact from clothing can cause significant bleeding, oozing, and infection.

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    How Dermatologists Treat Shingles

    There is a vaccine for preventing shingles, although it does not cure the onset of shingles. Once you have an outbreak, your dermatologist can recommend a plan of treatment to ease the pain of shingles and reduce the rash. Your dermatologist may prescribe anti-viral and pain medications to attack the virus and make you feel more comfortable while the rash heals. Your dermatologist may also suggest steps you can take at home to ease the itching and pain of shingles. If you believe you may have shingles, its important to seek medical attention. Your dermatologist can help you with pain management and help you heal faster. Avoid contact with women who are pregnant, anyone who has not had chickenpox or has not been vaccinated against the virus, and people who have weak immune systems. Once the blisters have completely scabbed over, the condition is no longer contagious.

    If you are concerned about shingles, to schedule an appointment with our board-certified dermatologists or walk into Walk-in Dermatology at your convenience for immediate evaluation.

    Are Shingles Contagious

    Shingles are not contagious and you cannot spread them. However, if you come into contact with someone who has not had chickenpox and has not been vaccinated against chickenpox, they could catch chickenpox from you.

    The NHS recommends you avoid being around pregnant people who have not had chickenpox before, people with a weakened immune system, and babies that are less than a month old.

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    Dont Shrug Off Shingles

    ARCHIVED CONTENT: As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date each article was posted or last reviewed. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

    If you had chickenpox as a kid, there is a good chance you may develop shingles later in life. In fact, one in three is predicted to get shingles during their lifetime, says Dr. Anne Louise Oaklander, director of the Nerve Unit at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.

    The same varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox also causes shingles. After the telltale spots of chickenpox vanish, the virus lies dormant in your nerve cells near the spinal cord and brain. When your immunity weakens from normal aging or from illnesses or medications, the virus can re-emerge. It then travels along a nerve to trigger a rash in the skin connected to that nerve. The rash often appears on only one side of your body. The most common locations are the chest, back, or stomach, or above one eye.

    Coping With Shingles Pain

    How to treat shingles

    If you have shingles, you may be wondering how to cope with the pain:

    • Be sure to get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy diet to help boost your immune system.
    • Wear comfortable, loose clothing with natural fiber .
    • Establish or maintain a regular exercise routine.
    • Utilize home remedies to help soothe pain from blisters.
    • Engage in activities that help take your mind off of the pain.
    • Establish a routine to help manage stress.
    • Seek out support when needed from family and friends as well as professional supportive services.

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    When Should I See A Doctor Because Of The Side Effects I Experience From Shingrix

    Shingrix causes a strong response in your immune system, so it may produce short-term side effects. These side effects can be uncomfortable, but they are expected and usually go away on their own in 2 or 3 days. You may choose to take over-the-counter pain medicine such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Contact your healthcare provider if the symptoms are not improving or if they are getting worse.

    In clinical trials, Shingrix was not associated with serious adverse events. In fact, serious side effects from vaccines are extremely rare. For example, for every 1 million doses of a vaccine given, only one or two people might have a severe allergic reaction. Signs of an allergic reaction happen within minutes or hours after vaccination and include hives, swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, a fast heartbeat, dizziness, or weakness. If you experience these or any other life-threatening symptoms, see a doctor right away.

    What Is The Treatment For Shingles

    While there is no cure for shingles, prompt treatment with prescription antiviral drugs and pain medicine can speed healing and reduce the risk of complications, explains Dr. Danoff.

    Additional courses of treatment include:

    • Keeping sores and blisters clean
    • Taking prescription medication as directed
    • Being honest and forthcoming with your doctor about lingering symptoms such as chronic pain

    Dr. Danoff also recommends that adults 50 years or older speak with their physician about Zostavax, an immunization designed to reduce the risk of getting shingles.

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    How Do Dermatologists Treat Shingles

    An antiviral medication can:

    • Reduce the amount of time that you have a shingles rash

    • Lower your risk of developing long-lasting nerve pain and other health problems

    One of three antiviral medications is usually prescribedacyclovir, famciclovir, or valacyclovir.

    To treat your symptoms, dermatologists typically recommend the following:

    Pain: Medication that you can buy without a prescription can help, such as:

    If you have severe pain, your dermatologist may prescribe a medication that reduces inflammation, such as a corticosteroid.

    Can Shingles Be Prevented

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    There are 2 vaccines available to reduce the likelihood of developing shingles, Zostavax and Shingrix. If you are over 50, you can talk to your doctor about whether you need it. It is recommended for everyone over 60 and is given free of charge in Australia to people aged 70 to 79.

    Vaccination will not guarantee that you will not get shingles, but it will reduce your chance of developing the condition. The vaccine used to protect against shingles is not the same as the vaccine used to protect against chickenpox. Read more about the chickenpox vaccine here.

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    How Is Shingles Diagnosed

    Your healthcare provider will do a complete physical exam and ask about your medical history, specifically about whether you have ever had chickenpox.

    Your healthcare provider will likely know right away that it is shingles based on the unique rash. The rash usually appears one area on one side of the body or face. It appears as red spots, small fluid- or pus-filled vesicles, or scabs.

    The healthcare provider may also take skin scrapings for testing.

    How Is Shingles Prevented

    The best protection against shingles is vaccination. Chickenpox vaccine should prevent you from getting the virus, and so decrease the risk of both chickenpox and shingles. Shingles vaccine reduces the risk of getting shingles and its complications you may still get shingles, but the symptoms are usually less severe and post-herpetic neuralgia is less likely. In New Zealand there are 2 brands of vaccines that protect against shingles Shingrix and Zostavax. These vaccines differ in the way they work, their cost and how they are given. Read more about the differences between Shingrix and Zostavax.

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    How Is Shingles Treated

    Specific treatment for shingles will be determined by your healthcare provider based on:

    • Your age, overall health, and medical history
    • How long the shingles have been present
    • Extent of the condition
    • Your tolerance for specific medicines, procedures, or therapies
    • Expectations for the course of the condition
    • Your opinion or preference

    There is no cure for shingles. It simply has to run its course. Treatment focuses on pain relief. Painkillers may help relieve some of the pain. Antiviral drugs may help lessen some of the symptoms and reduce nerve damage. Other treatments may include:

    • Creams or lotions to help relieve itching
    • Cool compresses applied to affected skin areas
    • Antiviral medicines
    • Anticonvulsants

    Natural Remedies For Shingles

    Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention of Shingles (Herpes Zoster) | Doctors on TV

    Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. The varicella zoster virus causes this viral infection. Its the same virus that causes chickenpox.

    If you had chickenpox as a child, the shingles virus lies dormant in your body. The virus can reactivate later in life and cause a shingles rash. The rash can occur on any part of your body but typically only affects small sections.

    Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. The rash and fluid-filled blisters form within a couple of days after the onset of pain. Some people with shingles also have a fever, sensitivity to light, and fatigue.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , about 1 in 3 people in the United States will develop shingles at some point in their lifetime.

    The shingles virus can last between two and six weeks. Shingles isnt life-threatening, but some people experience postherpetic neuralgia. This is when nerve fibers become damaged, causing shingles pain that lasts for weeks or months after the rash clears.

    Theres no cure for shingles, but your doctor can prescribe antiviral medication to help shorten the duration of the virus and reduce symptoms.

    Although an antiviral is an effective treatment for shingles, its not the only option. Several natural remedies may also reduce pain and discomfort.

    Dry your body completely and then wash your towel to avoid spreading the virus to others.

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