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What Does The First Signs Of Shingles Look Like

Shingles Symptoms: The Rash

Shingles: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment with Dr. Mark Shalauta | San Diego Health

The rash associated with herpes zoster begins as small blisters in a reddish background. New blisters form for the next few days, usually 3 to 5 days. Blisters emerge in a path of individual nerves in a specific ray-like distribution called a dermatomal pattern. Blisters tend to break out in a band-like pattern over an area of skin.

Hows Shingles Without A Rash Diagnosed

Shingles without a rash isnt common, but it may be more common than previously thought because it often goes undiagnosed. Shingles without a rash is difficult to diagnose based on your symptoms alone.

Your doctor may test your blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or saliva to identify the presence of VZV antibodies. This will allow them to confirm a diagnosis of shingles without a rash. However, these tests are often inconclusive.

Your medical history may provide clues that suggest you have shingles without a rash. Your doctor may ask if youve had a recent operation or if youre under increased stress.

Once your doctor suspects you have VZV, theyll use antiviral medicines such as acyclovir to treat the shingles. They may also prescribe drugs for the pain.

Other treatment will vary based on the location and severity of symptoms.

Ringworm Or Shingles Virus: A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Ringworm is an infectious skin disease that, despite its name, is caused by a fungus, whereas the shingles rash is caused by a virus. Ringworm infection causes red, itchy, scaly patches on your skin, often in several places at once. Sometimes the patches blister and ooze, much like the shingles rash. Ringworm is most common in children, and it spreads easily through skin-to-skin contact or contact with an item contaminated with the fungus, like dirty clothes or a shower floor.

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Symptoms Of Shingles In The Eye

The symptoms of shingles around the eye may be different from the symptoms of eye involvement. Symptoms of shingles around the eye area may include:

  • Tingling on the face

Patients who have shingles on the face should get antiviral treatment for shingles and also see an optician right away to monitor for ocular shingles.

Because the eye can become involved later in the disease process, it is important to follow up with the optician even if your eye appears fine at first.

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Shingles Symptoms: Before The Rash

Shingles Rash Pictures, Symptoms, Vaccine Facts

The pain of shingles may develop even when there is no rash. The patient may experience tingling, burning pain, or sensitive skin for several days to a week before the rash appears. It may be difficult to determine the cause of the severe pain in the absence of a skin rash.

Characteristics of Pre-Rash Shingles Pain

Other Symptoms That May Occur Before Shingles Rash

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What Does The First Signs Of Shingles Look Like

Early symptoms of shinglesfirst signs

Consequently, what are the very first signs of shingles?

These signs and symptoms may include:

  • Pain, burning, numbness or tingling.
  • Sensitivity to touch.
  • A red rash that begins a few days after the pain.
  • Fluid-filled blisters that break open and crust over.

Also Know, what can be mistaken for shingles? Shingles can sometimes be mistaken for another skin conditions, such as hives, psoriasis, or eczema. The shingles rash also tends to clear up in a few weeks. Rashes due to eczema and psoriasis may last longer. A shingles rash is also usually a lot more painful than other rashes.

In this regard, can you have a mild case of shingles?

Depending on where shingles develops, it could also cause symptoms like hiccups or even loss of vision. For some people, the symptoms of shingles are mild. They might just have some itching. For others, shingles can cause intense pain that can be felt from the gentlest touch or breeze.

What do shingles look like on skin?

The characteristic rash of shingles rash starts as small blisters on a red base. New blisters continue to form for three to five days. The blisters appear along the path of individual nerves in a specific ray-like distribution and appear in a band-like pattern over an area of skin.

Stage : Tingling Burning Skin Sensations

The first stage of shingles may be marked by a burning sensation, numbness, or itchiness in the area where the shingles rash appears. This is known as the prodromal period.

Common places for the rash to develop include around the waistline, chest, or back, usually on one side of the body. It may also occur on one side of the scalp, face or neck, or on one arm or leg.

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Medications To Aid Recovery

Medications which may be prescribed for alleviating the physical discomfort of shingles and combating the flare-up of the varicella zoster virus may include:

  • Painkilling medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , paracetamol or opioids in cases of severe pain. In some cases, antidepressants or anticonvulsants may be prescribed for their pain-relieving properties, which can work effectively in combination with other painkillers.
  • Antiviral medications

Can You Catch Shingles

The symptoms of shingles

Shingles is not contagious. You cant catch it from someone. But, you can catch chickenpox from someone with shingles. So, if youve never had chickenpox, try to stay away from anyone who has shingles.

If you have shingles, try to stay away from anyone who has not had chickenpox or who might have a weak immune system.

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Can Shingles Cause Chronic Pain

In some people, the pain of shingles may linger for months or even years after the rash has healed. This pain, due to damaged nerves in and beneath the skin, is known as postherpetic neuralgia. Others feel a chronic itch in the area where the rash once was. In severe cases, the pain or itching may be bad enough to cause insomnia, weight loss, or depression.

Shingles Treatment: Home Remedies

Bathing is generally allowed, and the affected area can be washed with soap and water. Cool compresses and anti-itching lotions such as calamine lotion may also provide relief from symptoms. An aluminum acetate solution can be used to help dry up the blisters and oozing. Application of petroleum jelly can also aid in healing. Over-the-counter antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine and pain medicines can also help provide relief.

Wearing loose clothing can help avoid extra pain from clothing rubbing against the rash. Avoid close skin-to-skin contact with others who have not had chickenpox, are ill, or who have a weakened immune system to avoid spread of the virus. People who do not have immunity to the virus may catch varicella by having direct contact with the lesions. In this way zoster is similar to cold sores, which are caused by a virus in the same family as varicella.

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Are There Shingles Home Remedies

People who have shingles symptoms and signs should see their doctor as soon as possible, because antiviral medication is effective only if given early. Individuals with facial, nose, or eye symptoms and signs should seek medical care immediately.

  • Do not scratch the skin where the rash is located. This may increase the risk of secondary bacterial infection and scarring. Over-the-counter antihistamines and topical creams can relieve the itching.
  • After diagnosis and appropriate treatment, apply cool tap-water compresses to weeping blisters for 20 minutes several times a day to soothe and help dry the blisters. This also aids in removing the scabs and decreases the potential for bacterial infection. Tap-water compresses must be stopped once the blisters have dried, so the surrounding skin does not become too dry and itchy. Remember that weeping blisters contain the virus and are contagious to individuals who are susceptible to the chickenpox virus.
  • Keep the area clean with mild soap and water. Application of petroleum jelly can aid in healing. Wear loose clothing to avoid extra pain from clothing rubbing against the rash. Avoid close skin-to-skin contact with others who have not had chickenpox, are ill, or who have a weakened immune system.

Burning Feeling And Red Rash

Shingles: Causes, Symptoms &  Treatment

Between 1 and 5 days after you start to feel the tingling or numb feeling, a red rash will develop on the same area of your skin. Most often, the rash appears on one side of your torso, but it can show up anywhere on your body.

You may also have other symptoms along with the rash, such as:

When the rash starts, you should see a doctor for treatment as soon as possible. Starting antiviral medication treatment within 3 days of the rash first appearing can lower your risk of developing complications, like long-term pain.

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Home Care For Shingles

Colloidal oatmeal baths are an old standby for relieving the itch of chickenpox and can help with shingles, as well. To speed up the drying out of the blisters, try placing a cool, damp washcloth on the rash If your doctor gives you the green light, stay active while recovering from shingles. Gentle exercise or a favorite activity may help keep your mind off the discomfort.

How Do You Prevent Shingles

You can lower your risk of shingles and its complications by getting the vaccine for shingles. The Food and Drug Administration approved the shingles vaccineShingrix for people:

  • ages 50 and older
  • people 18 years and older whose immune systems are weakened or compromised by a medical condition
  • people 18 years and older taking immune-suppressing medication

Shingrix is 97% effective at preventing shingles in people with healthy immune systems, ages 5069 years, and 91% effective for adults 70 and older. The vaccine also reduces the risk of severe shingles and complications of shingles in all adults.

You can reduce your risk of chickenpox and the subsequent development of shingles by avoiding exposure to a person with chickenpox and getting vaccines for both of these conditions, as your healthcare professional recommends.

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How Long Does It Take For Shingles To Progress

Shingles progresses into blisters over three to five days and begins to crust over after seven to ten days. The rash is preceded by a prodromal phase lasting 48-72 hours or longer, consisting of throbbing pain and numbness in the area affecting the nerve. Once the rash blisters, it can last another three to five days before the lesions scab over.

After the lesions crust over, it may take two to four weeks to heal completely. At this time, pain may still be present. The most painful stage of shingles is when you have fluid-filled blisters. This usually occurs three to five days after the rash first appears.

Who Is At Risk

Shingles: What you need to know about causes, symptoms, and prevention.

If youve had chickenpox, you are more susceptible as you age. About 50% of people who live to age 85 will have had some shingles event in their lives. Shingles can develop for a variety of reasons, especially for those:

  • Over the age of 50, with increasing risk with each decade
  • With a weakened immune system, such as those with cancer, HIV, transplant recipients, or patients receiving chemotherapy
  • With an autoimmune disease
  • Who may have a weakened immune system due to trauma or illness

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What Precautions Have To Be Taken To Avoid Acquiring Chickenpox Or Shingles

Shingles vaccine is available for adults. It can be administered as a precautionary measure or as a treatment. The shingles vaccine can help alleviate the symptoms faster. Even healthcare professionals have to be checked for their immunity against the varicella-zoster virus. Refrain from getting too close to people who are suffering from shingles, especially if you have never had chickenpox, or never had the vaccine for chickenpox. If circumstances force you, then make sure to wear a mask and use a hand sanitizer afterward.

It is important that you maintain a distance from your close friends and family members until your condition clears up. Consult your doctor to understand more about the infectious nature of shingles and the measures you need to take to avoid infecting other people. Try to keep the blisters covered at all times, use a hand sanitizer regularly, and try to avoid touching items at home such as the refrigerator or the TV remote.

Shingles Risks And Pregnancy

Pregnant women are susceptible to shingles. Fortunately, shingles in pregnancy is very rare. The antiviral medications described previously are considered safe to use in pregnant women, as are most pain-relieving drugs. Women should not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen in the later stages of pregnancy, but acetaminophen is considered safe. Having chickenpox during pregnancy has the potential to cause birth defects, depending upon when in the pregnancy the infection occurs. The risk of birth defects is believed to be lower with shingles than with primary chickenpox infection.


  • Wikipedia â Courtesy of Fisle
  • Image reprinted with permission from, 2012. Dr. Dancewiez/CDC
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    What Are The Symptoms And Stages Shingles

    Shingles symptoms appear in stages. At first, you may get headaches or feel like you have the flu, but without a fever. You may also be sensitive to light, have trouble thinking clearly or feel dizzy and weak.

    A few days or even weeks later, an area of your body or face will feel itchy, tingly or painful. This is where a rash will appear. The rash will eventually turn into a cluster of blisters that are filled with fluid.

    Who Should Not Get The Vaccine

    If You Have These Symptoms, You May Have Shingles

    Do not get the shingles vaccine if:

    • You have a severe allergic reaction, such as anaphylaxis, to any ingredient of a vaccine or to a previous dose of Shingrix
    • You have shingles now.
    • You are sick with an illness and a fever of 101°F or higher.

    • You should also consider delaying the vaccine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Not enough is known about its safety for expectant and lactating women.
    • You have had a negative test for varicella this would be uncommon for adults eligible for the vaccine, as most adults worldwide ages 50 and older have been exposed to the virus. You do not have to be tested before getting the vaccine.

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    How Can I Help Prevent Shingles

    The recombinant zoster vaccine vaccine is available to prevent shingles or make it less painful.

    Experts recommend the vaccine for all adults 50 and older, even if you’ve had shingles before. Two doses of the RZV vaccine are recommended. You should get the second RZV dose 2 to 6 months after the first. The vaccine makes it less likely that you will develop shingles. If you do develop shingles, your symptoms will likely be milder than if you hadnt been vaccinated. RZV is also advised even if you had the older shingles vaccine in the past. That’s because the RZV vaccine works better and protects you from shingles longer.

    Talk with your healthcare provider about the best time for you to get vaccinated, along with the benefits and side effects.

    The First Symptoms Of Shingles

    Early symptoms of shingles can appear several days before the more obvious symptoms. However, some people will not have early symptoms before a rash appears.

    The most common early symptoms occur on one part of the body or face. This often happens in the abdominal area.

    These symptoms many include:

    The pain can worsen as shingles develops. The pain can be sharp, stabbing, and intense.

    It may also cause hypersensitivity, or an excessive reaction to touch.

    There are also other early symptoms of shingles.

    Although not every person with shingles will experience them, early symptoms include:

    • general feeling of being unwell

    Your doctor can often diagnose shingles based on these symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe medication to speed up recovery.

    Medication also reduces the chance of complications, so seeking early intervention is important.

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    What Are The Health Complications

    The most common complication of shingles is postherpetic neuralgia . PHN causes severe pain even after the shingles rash clears.

    People aged 60 years and older who dont seek treatment for shingles are more likely to develop PHN.

    Shingles can also cause serious sight problems if it infects the structures of the eye.

    Other rare complications include:

    What Does A Mild Case Of Shingles Look Like

    Shingles: Pathophysiology, Symptoms, 3 stages of Infection, Complications, Management, Animation.

    Not everyone with shingles will develop a blistering rash. A mild case of shingles may include a red rash without blisters. The shingles rash and blisters are distinct characteristics of the illness. Mild cases of shingles do not usually cause headaches, fever, or fatigue.

    Whether mild or severe, pain is the most common symptom of shingles. Most people describe a deep burning, throbbing, or stabbing sensation. The pain usually subsides within 30 days.

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    What Does Early Stages Of Shingles Look Like

    Shingles progress through several stages as the virus replicates in your body. Shingles start as a rash with red bumps, known as papules, distributed most frequently over your back and torso.

    Within several days, grouped blisters are present. Within seven to ten days, the vesicles dry up and crust.

    The early stage of shingles looks like small, red, raised, solid pimples or an inflamed rash. These are tiny, raised bumps on the skin. Eventually, these bumps blister and later crust. The beginning stages of shingles create tingling and localized pain.

    The early stages of shingles are also described as itching, burning, or deep pain. People who have had shingles also described the early stages as similar to the beginning of the flu.

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