Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Stop The Itching From Shingles

How To Treat And Prevent Shingles

How to treat shingles

Shingles is treated using antiviral medications, such as:

To manage shingles pain, you can also use numbing creams like lidocaine, or place a cool, wet washcloth on your skin.

Itâs important to get treatment as quickly as possible because, âpeople with shingles can develop long-term pain or itch after the shingles resolves if the virus does too much damage,â Kim says.

To stop yourself from spreading varicella-zoster to anyone else, try to cover up your rash when possible and avoid directly touching it.

The best way to prevent shingles is to get a shingles vaccine. The newest vaccine, called Shingrix, is 85% to 90% effective at preventing shingles in people who have already had chickenpox. If you have never had chickenpox, you will need to get the chickenpox vaccine instead.

Oatmeal Or Baking Soda Baths

You’ll want to care for your uncomfortable skin safely and effectively while it heals. Soaking in oatmeal or baking soda baths can soothe your skin if you have a shingles rash.

Those home remedies can provide temporary relief for itching and can be soothing, said Dr. Strowd. Look for colloidal oatmeal or baking soda to add to cool bath water. Both of those ingredients can help calm itching and are gentle on the skin.

Grinding oat grain into a fine powder makes up colloidal oatmeal. It softens or soothes the skin because it contains fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. You’ll find colloidal oatmeal at many places that sell health and beauty products.

Preventing The Virus Spreading

If you have the shingles rash, do not share towels or flannels, go swimming, or play contact sports. This will help prevent the virus being passed on to someone who has not had chickenpox.

You should also avoid work or school if your rash is weeping and cannot be covered.

Chickenpox can be particularly dangerous for certain groups of people. If you have shingles, avoid:

  • women who are pregnant and have not had chickenpox before as they could catch it from you, which may harm their unborn baby
  • people who have a weak immune system, such as someone with HIV or AIDS
  • babies less than one month old, unless it is your own baby, in which case your baby should have antibodies to protect them from the virus

Once your blisters have dried and scabbed over, you are no longer contagious and will not need to avoid anyone.

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Am I At Risk For Shingles

Everyone who has had chickenpox is at risk for developing shingles. Researchers do not fully understand what makes the virus become active and cause shingles. But some things make it more likely:

  • Older age. The risk of developing shingles increases as you age. About half of all shingles cases are in adults age 60 or older. The chance of getting shingles becomes much greater by age 70.
  • Trouble fighting infections. Your immune system is the part of your body that responds to infections. Age can affect your immune system. So can HIV, cancer, cancer treatments, too much sun, and organ transplant drugs. Even stress or a cold can weaken your immune system for a short time. These all can put you at risk for shingles.

Most people only have shingles one time. However, it is possible to have it more than once.

Consider Using Creams Lotions Or Patches

How To Stop Itching And Burning From Shingles

Shingles can be very painful. If you need help managing pain, your doctor might prescribe a topical pain-relieving cream or patch. These contain lidocaine or other nerve block medication for the skin.

A medicated anti-itch cream that includes an antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine , might also help you find some relief.

After the rash has scabbed over, you can try using creams or lotions to soothe any remaining symptoms. Look for products that contain:

  • colloidal oatmeal

Your doctor may also recommend an oral over-the-counter pain reliever such as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or acetaminophen . Always follow the dosage instructions on the label or take according to your doctors instructions.

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When To See A Doctor

A person should see a doctor if they are experiencing any early symptoms of shingles, especially if they have a history of shingles or are at a higher risk of developing an acute outbreak of the virus due to any of the risk factors above.

A person undergoing treatment for shingles should follow up with a doctor if:

  • the symptoms get significantly worse after treatment
  • the symptoms do not go away within a few weeks
  • new or different symptoms appear in addition to the rash
  • there are signs of secondary infection, such as high fever, an open wound, or red streaks coming out of a shingles lesion

People should also speak to a doctor if they have lasting nerve pain in the affected region after the rash of shingles disappears. This complication, called postherpetic neuralgia, affects

In many cases , a doctor will prescribe an antiviral medication, such as famciclovir, valacyclovir, or acyclovir. Pain-relieving medicine can also help ease symptoms. Calamine lotion, colloidal oatmeal compresses and baths, and cold compresses may ease the itching of shingles.

It is important to refrain from scratching the affected area as this can irritate the blisters and increase the risk of infection.

Some people develop a superimposed bacterial skin infection over their shingles lesions. This infection can be very painful, and it may spread if a person does not receive treatment. Individuals who develop this infection in addition to shingles may require antibiotic treatment or even hospitalization.

Terrasil Shingles Treatment Cream

Terrasil shingles cream may provide relief from itchy and painful shingles rashes.

It contains all-natural ingredients that may appeal to people looking to avoid putting synthetic chemicals on their skin. In addition to cottonseed oil and beeswax, it contains activated minerals.

There are claims the minerals can help clear the skin, but there is no evidence of this. Of nearly 1,700 users on , the product earns a 4.3 out of 5 star rating, with many users indicating that the product works well for them.

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Rebooting The Nervous System

Its like restarting a computer, Dr. Rosenquist says. When its running slowly or acting weird, you restart it. We are trying to turn that nerve off. When it comes back on, hopefully, it will send an appropriate transmission as opposed to a pain transmission.

Treatmentoptions for PHN patients include:

  • Intercostal nerve blocks: A local anesthetic can be injected between two ribs.
  • Thoracic epidural injections: Anti-inflammatory medicine can be injected into the space around the spinal cord to decrease nerve root inflammation and reduce pain.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants: Medications such as amitriptyline may be used to relieve pain.
  • Membrane stabilizers: Medications such as gabapentin can be used to reduce the pain associated with PHN.
  • Capsaicin cream: This topical cream can be applied to the affected area to relieve pain temporarily.
  • Patientswith refractory PHN rarely need opioid pain medication. However,you should be evaluated by a physician. We cant make a blanket statement abouttreatment. It is individualized, she says.

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    The First Symptoms Of Shingles

    How to prevent painful rash of Shingles

    Early symptoms of shingles can appear several days before the more obvious symptoms. However, some people will not have early symptoms before a rash appears.

    The most common early symptoms occur on one part of the body or face. This often happens in the abdominal area.

    These symptoms many include:

    The pain can worsen as shingles develops. The pain can be sharp, stabbing, and intense.

    It may also cause hypersensitivity, or an excessive reaction to touch.

    There are also other early symptoms of shingles.

    Although not every person with shingles will experience them, early symptoms include:

    • general feeling of being unwell

    Your doctor can often diagnose shingles based on these symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe medication to speed up recovery.

    Medication also reduces the chance of complications, so seeking early intervention is important.

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    Consider Combination Therapies For Chronic Itchy Skin

    Depending on the cause of your itchy skin, you may benefit from using more than one treatment. This may be especially needed in cases of chronic itching.

    For example, chronic itchiness related to skin conditions like eczema may benefit from colloidal oatmeal baths, topical emollients, and anti-itch creams.

    Before using a combination of therapies, be sure to talk with your doctor.

    Additionally, certain lifestyle changes can also help relieve itchy skin. Consider the following:

    • Wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid trapping moisture in your skin.
    • Wear natural fabrics, like cotton.
    • Avoid extreme changes in temperatures, especially during the summer and winter months. Keep your house cool and humid, respectively.
    • Use lukewarm water while bathing, and avoid hot tubs.
    • Manage stress as much as possible. Stress can increase skin inflammation and itchiness.
    • in addition to using fragrance-free lotions, make sure that your soaps and detergents are fragrance-free, too

    Permanent Itching After Shingles

    it is over a year ago that I had shingles and the itching all around my eye and forehead has never gone away. I was told a few times at the eye clinic, that it takes time, but has anyone else suffered with this for so long??!! I use antihistamine cream and eye drops, but I think I have this awful problem forever! Luckily it isnât all day long but it IS every singfle day and makes life fairly miserable a lot of the time!

    4 likes, 49 replies

    • Posted 4 years ago

      Merry Juliana is the one who can give you the best info about this but I believe your case, though aggravating, is not totally abnormal. There seem to be so many different variations on how this disease affects its âvictims.â I had shingles on my hand and arm in November and December. Thankfully, I havenât had a lot of pain since that outbreak but I do have one spot on the palm of my hand and thumb that remains sensitive and occasionally get the sharp, stabbing pain that I had at the onset. I consider myself very fortunate since others have suffered much longer and with frequent outbreaks.

    • Posted 4 years ago

      Yes I agree, there could be worse things like loss of vision, but knowing that that doesnât make it any easier having a sore itching eye every day for over a year, when others seem to get over the whole thing in a few weeks, I do feel very sorry for anyone who gets shingles more than once as I know how painful it is!

  • Posted 4 years ago

  • Read Also: How To Tell If You Have Shingles Without A Rash

    These Home Remedies Should Provide Relief During A Case Of Shingles Editorial TeamHealth

    Shingles occurs when the chickenpox virus reactivates and causes a painful, itchy rash in one place on the body. It’s most common in adults over 50 years of age. In fact, about half of people over age 80 may experience shingles.

    When the virus begins, you may notice pain and itching in the skin before a red rash appears one to two days later, accompanied by small, water-filled blisters. Those blisters soon rupture and scar over, healing and fading over the course of a few weeks. That process can be extremely uncomfortable and painful, making even the littlest actions difficult.

    If you think you have shingles, see a healthcare professional immediately, especially if it’s on your face or near your eyes .

    In addition to medical treatment, there are also home remedies that can help ease shingles symptoms. Here’s what you need to know about minimizing discomfort and pain with items you probably already have at home.

    Natural Remedies For Shingles

    How To Stop Shingles From Itching

    Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. The varicella zoster virus causes this viral infection. Its the same virus that causes chickenpox.

    If you had chickenpox as a child, the shingles virus lies dormant in your body. The virus can reactivate later in life and cause a shingles rash. The rash can occur on any part of your body but typically only affects small sections.

    Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. The rash and fluid-filled blisters form within a couple of days after the onset of pain. Some people with shingles also have a fever, sensitivity to light, and fatigue.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , about 1 in 3 people in the United States will develop shingles at some point in their lifetime.

    The shingles virus can last between two and six weeks. Shingles isnt life-threatening, but some people experience postherpetic neuralgia. This is when nerve fibers become damaged, causing shingles pain that lasts for weeks or months after the rash clears.

    Theres no cure for shingles, but your doctor can prescribe antiviral medication to help shorten the duration of the virus and reduce symptoms.

    Although an antiviral is an effective treatment for shingles, its not the only option. Several natural remedies may also reduce pain and discomfort.

    Dry your body completely and then wash your towel to avoid spreading the virus to others.

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    How Is Shingles Diagnosed

    Your healthcare provider will do a complete physical exam and ask about your medical history, specifically about whether you have ever had chickenpox.

    Your healthcare provider will likely know right away that it is shingles based on the unique rash. The rash usually appears one area on one side of the body or face. It appears as red spots, small fluid- or pus-filled vesicles, or scabs.

    The healthcare provider may also take skin scrapings for testing.

    Is There A Shingles Vaccine

    In the UK there is a shingles vaccine immunisation programme for people aged 70 years to protect against herpes zoster. There is also a catch-up programme which offers the vaccine to anyone aged between 70 and 79 years who has previously missed out on immunisation. The vaccine is licensed for people aged over 50 years, and if you are not eligible for the vaccine on the NHS, your pharmacist may be able to provide the vaccine as a private service.

    The chickenpox vaccine is not routinely given to children in the UK but is offered to people who are in close contact with someone who is particularly vulnerable to chickenpox or its complications eg, people with a weakened immune system.

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    Check If You Have Shingles

    The first signs of shingles can be:

    • a tingling or painful feeling in an area of skin
    • a headache or feeling generally unwell

    A rash will appear a few days later.

    Usually you get the shingles rash on your chest and tummy, but it can appear anywhere on your body including on your face, eyes and genitals.

    The rash appears as blotches on your skin, on 1 side of your body only. A rash on both the left and right of your body is unlikely to be shingles.

    Antiviral Medicines For Shingles

    New treatment for the pain of shingles

    Antiviral medicines used to treat shingles include aciclovir, famciclovir and valaciclovir. An antiviral medicine does not kill the virus but works by stopping the virus from multiplying. So, it may limit the severity of symptoms of the shingles episode.

    An antiviral medicine is most useful when started in the early stages of shingles . However, in some cases your doctor may still advise you have an antiviral medicine even if the rash is more than 72 hours old particularly in elderly people with severe shingles, or if shingles affects an eye.

    Antiviral medicines are not advised routinely for everybody with shingles. As a general rule, the following groups of people who develop shingles will normally be advised to take an antiviral medicine:

    • If you are over the age of 50. The older you are, the more risk there is of severe shingles or complications developing and the more likely you are to benefit from treatment.
    • If you are of any age and have any of the following:
    • Shingles that affects the eye or ear.
    • A poorly functioning immune system .
    • Shingles that affects any parts of the body apart from the trunk .
    • Moderate or severe pain.

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    Key Points About Shingles

    • Shingles is a common viral infection of the nerves. It causes a painful rash or small blisters on an area of skin.
    • Shingles is caused when the chickenpox virus is reactivated.
    • It is more common in people with weakened immune systems, and in people over the age of 50.
    • Shingles starts with skin sensitivity, tingling, itching, and/or pain followed by rash that looks like small, red spots that turn into blisters.
    • The rash is typically affects just one area on one side of the body or face.
    • Treatment that is started as soon as possible helps reduce the severity of the disease.

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    What Is Shingles And Who Can Get It

    Shingles is another name for a condition called herpes zoster. It causes a painful rash. You can only get shingles if you had chickenpox in the past.

    After you have chickenpox , the virus that causes it stays in your body, in certain nerve cells. Most of the time your immune system keeps the chickenpox virus in these cells. As you get older or if your immune system gets weak, the chickenpox virus may escape from the nerve cells and cause shingles.

    Most people who get shingles are more than 50 years old or have a weak immune system. For example, you might get shingles if you have cancer, take medicines that weaken your immune system or have the virus that causes AIDS .

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