Friday, July 26, 2024

What Rash Looks Like Shingles

Where Does Shingles Come From

Shingles disease what it looks like how to treat it

When you have chickenpox as a child, your body fights off the varicella-zoster virus and the physical signs of chickenpox fade away, but the virus always remains in your body. In adulthood, sometimes the virus becomes active again. This time, the varicella-zoster virus makes its second appearance in the form of shingles.

Can You Get Shingles From The Covid

There have been a few reports of shingles happening in people who were vaccinated against COVID-19. The varicella-zoster virus was reactivated in these people.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

If youve had chickenpox, youre at risk of developing shingles later in life. Shingles causes a rash that is contagious and painful. The disease can have serious complications. The best thing you can do to reduce your risk is to get the shingles vaccine. The vaccines are safe and effective.

How To Prevent Shingles: Get Vaccinated

Two vaccines may help prevent the shingles virus: the chickenpox vaccine and the shingles vaccine. The shingles vaccine is approved for adults ages 50 and older and for those 18 and older with weakened immune systems or at increased risk of herpes zoster because of a disease or treatment, according to the CDC.

Per the CDC, talk to your doctor about getting a shingles vaccination if you are 50 or older or if you have the following risk factors:

  • You have cancer, especially leukemia or lymphoma.
  • You are a bone marrow or solid organ transplant recipient.
  • You take immunosuppressive medications, including steroids, chemotherapy, or transplant-related medications.

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Other Complications Some Severe Include:

  • Bacterial infection of the rash
  • Herpes zoster ophthalmicus causes eye problems when shingles is severe on the face, near the eyes, impacting sight. When very severe, blindness can occur
  • Ramsay Hunt syndrome causes problems within the ear’s auditory canal or external parts. It is accompanied by ear pain, internal or external blisters, and one-sided facial paralysis

Can Shingles Be Mild

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Shingles usually causes severe symptoms, but it occasionally presents with only mild pain and rash, rash without pain, or pain without rash.

Shingles will be more likely mild :

  • In children and young adults
  • When developing within 5 years after herpes zoster vaccination
  • When treated with antivirals within 72 hours of symptoms onset

Picture 1. Mild shingles on the face

Picture 2. Mild shingles on the chest

Picture 3. Mild shingles in the upper back

Picture 4. Mild shingles in the lower back


SO happy I found this community! Ive been treated like a leper by 2 doctors when I was diagnosed with Shingles. Apparently its unheard of in young people unless were immune compromised, but reading other young, healthy people on here who have had Shingles is a big relief!

My outbreak was kind of strange.. on my upper butocks, a small, isolated area with maybe a dozen blisters. Mild itching, almost zero pain, scabbed over and healed in less than two weeks. If I didnt get it checked out I would have assumed it was just an allergic reaction or bug bites. I had a lesion swab that came out positive for herpes zoster and was put on the valacyclovir beforehand, about 5 days after the rash showed up. Either the meds did the trick or I just healed naturally. So I guess my questions are:

1. Why did I get it at my young age?

2. Why was it such a mild case? The pain-free seems to be unheard of.


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What Are The Symptoms Of Shingles

Symptoms may include:

  • Skin sensitivity, tingling, itching, or pain in the area of the skin before the rash appears
  • Rash, which typically appears 1 to 5 days after symptoms start. At first, the rash looks like small, red spots that turn into blisters.
  • Blisters typically scab over in 7 to 10 days and clear up within 2 to 4 weeks.

Other early symptoms of shingles may include:

  • Fever or chills

The symptoms of shingles may look like other health conditions. Always talk with your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

What Is The Prognosis Of Shingles

Generally speaking, shingles typically resolves within two to four weeks in most individuals. The prognosis is excellent for younger and healthy individuals who develop shingles, with very few experiencing any complications. However, in older individuals and in those with compromised immune systems, the prognosis is more guarded, as complications and more severe outbreaks of shingles occur more commonly in these groups.

Approximately 1%-4% of people who develop shingles require hospitalization for complications, and about 30% of those hospitalized have impaired immune systems. In the U.S., it is estimated that there are approximately 96 deaths per year directly related to the varicella-zoster virus, the vast majority of which occur in the elderly and in those who are immunocompromised.

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Dispatchhealth Is Here To Help

DispatchHealth brings complex medical care out of an expensive hospital setting and right to your door. This enables you to be safely treated and recover faster at a dramatically lower cost. Our medical teams will come prepared with nearly all the tools and technologies found in a traditional ER setting, treating compromised individuals with shingles and skin infections who are more likely to develop severe complications from the illness.

To request care, simply contact us via phone, mobile app, or our website.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Shingles

Shingles: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment with Dr. Mark Shalauta | San Diego Health

Shingles causes a painful, blistering rash on your skin. If you get shingles, you may notice the following:

  • Before the rash appears: For 1 to 2 days before the rash appears, you may have pain, burning, or tingling on an area of skin where the rash will develop. Some people say they felt an electrical sensation on their skin before getting the rash.

  • Rash appears: A painful, blistering rash appears. It usually appears on one side of your body, often on the torso however, it can appear anywhere on your skin. Some people get more blisters after the rash appears, so it can seem that the rash is spreading.

  • Rash starts to clear: As the rash clears, the blisters may crack open, bleed, and scab over. For most people, the rash will clear within 2 to 4 weeks.

Although the rash will clear on its own, treatment is important. Taking medication within 3 days of getting the shingles rash can:

  • Reduce your risk of developing other health problems, such as long-lasting nerve pain, pneumonia, or hearing loss

Shingles rash on the face

If you have a shingles rash on your face, immediately seeing a doctor for treatment could save your eyesight.

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Signs Of Shingles Before The Rash Appears

Before the rash appears, early warning signs of shingles, which may be present, include:

  • Itching, burning pain, numbness, tingling in the place where the rash will develop
  • Flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever, headache, feeling fatigued or overly tired

After the initial skin complaints develop into the shingles rash, the condition typically lasts for two to four weeks. The pain typically worsens as the rash develops and alleviates as it heals.

What Are Some Common Treatments For Shingles

The CDC recommends that adults 50 years or older receive two doses of the shingles vaccine. Additionally, several antiviral medicines like acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir are available to treat shingles and shorten the length and severity of the illness. These medicines are most effective when taken immediately after the rash appears.

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What Is Herpes Zoster

Herpes zoster, or shingles, is a common viral infection of the nerves, which results in a painful rash of small blisters on a strip of skin anywhere on the body. Even after the rash is gone, the pain may continue for months.

  • Shingles is relatively rare in children.
  • Your child is most at risk if he had chickenpox during the first year of life or if you had chickenpox very late during pregnancy.
  • A rash most often occurs on the trunk and buttocks, and usually goes away in one to two weeks.
  • Medication may help alleviate some of the pain, but the disease has to run its course.

Shingles Risks And Pregnancy

Shingles Rash Pictures, Symptoms, Vaccine Facts

Pregnant women are susceptible to shingles. Fortunately, shingles in pregnancy is very rare. The antiviral medications described previously are considered safe to use in pregnant women, as are most pain-relieving drugs. Women should not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen in the later stages of pregnancy, but acetaminophen is considered safe. Having chickenpox during pregnancy has the potential to cause birth defects, depending upon when in the pregnancy the infection occurs. The risk of birth defects is believed to be lower with shingles than with primary chickenpox infection.

  • Image reprinted with permission from, 2012. Dr. Dancewiez/CDC
  • FDA / Renee Gordon
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    Eczema Can Cause Red Itchy Skin With Bumps

    Like shingles, a skin allergy can also cause red, bumpy, itchy skin, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology . These reactions include eczema, hives, and contact dermatitis. Eczema can cause dry, red, itchy, irritated skin, per the ACAAI. Small, oozing, fluid-filled bumps may also appear, especially when the skin is infected. Eczema is most common on the face, inside the elbows and behind the knees, and on the hands and feet, per MedlinePlus. There is no cure for eczema, but treatments can help manage the condition.

    If You Have More Than One Area Of Blisters What Can You Expect If You Go To The Hospital

    Its important to note that most people with shingles dont need to be in a hospital, but if you do:

    • Youll be in a contact isolation room.
    • The door will be kept closed.
    • A sign on your door will remind people who have never had chickenpox or the vaccine not to enter.
    • The sign will also remind staff to wear gowns and gloves when entering the room.

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    S Of The Shingles Rash

    If you have a rash of blisters on your skin or a rash that looks like any shown below, see your doctor immediately for a diagnosis. If you have shingles, its important to get treatment, preferably within 2 to 3 days.

    If youve had the rash for longer than 2 to 3 days, its still important to see your doctor.

    A typical shingles rash

    Doctors often refer to this rash as the shingles band because it looks like a band that appears on one area of your body, as shown here.

    A rash on one side of the body

    A key that you have shingles is that the rash only develops on one side of your body.

    Close-up of a shingles rash

    The shingles rash often causes a cluster of tiny blisters. You may notice that the skin beneath the blisters is red and inflamed, as shown here.

    The rash will also feel painful.

    Blistering shingles rash on a mans chest

    Although the rash can begin in one area, you may notice that a few scattered blisters develop in other areas, as shown here.

    Shingles rash on the palm of a mans hand

    While shingles tends to develop on your body or face, it can appear anywhere on your skin.

    What Is The Contagious Period For Shingles

    Shingles: What you need to know about causes, symptoms, and prevention.

    The virus that causes shingles, the varicella-zoster virus, can be transmitted from person to person by direct contact with the fluid from the active blistering rash. Therefore, susceptible individuals should avoid contact with people who have active shingles, especially pregnant women who have never had chickenpox and immunocompromised individuals. It cannot be transmitted by coughing or sneezing, and it is not contagious before the blisters appear. Once the shingles rash has dried and developed crusting, it generally is not considered to be contagious.

    There are a few important points to consider when discussing the varicella-zoster virus and transmissibility.

    • If an individual who has never had chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine comes in direct contact with the fluid from the shingles rash, they may go on to develop chickenpox, but they will not immediately develop shingles.
    • It is possible, however, for them to develop shingles later in life, just as it is with others who have previously been exposed to the virus and developed chickenpox.
    • Also, if you have previously been exposed to the varicella-zoster virus and you have had chickenpox, you will not contract the virus from others with shingles.

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    Poison Ivy Oak And Sumac: What Does The Rash Look Like

    While rare, some people see black spots instead of a red rash on their skin. These spots look like black lacquer spilled onto the skin. Instead of black spots, some people develop black streaks on their skin.

    If you develop black spots or streaks, there tends to be little or no redness and swelling. The medical term for this condition is black-spot poison-ivy dermatitis.

    Poison ivy rash

    A rash from one of these poisonous plants usually shows up as red, itchy bumps on the skin.

    Black-spot poison-ivy dermatitis

    A few people develop black spots or streaks of black on their skin rather than a red rash.

    Poison ivy rash: Streaks and spots

    This 7-year-old boy developed red streaks and black spots.

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    Once You’ve Had Shingles Can It Come Back

    Reoccurrence is relatively uncommon. Only a small percentage of patients may have a second episode, more commonly in women. “Three or more shingles episodes in the same person is considered extremely rare,” says Dr. Mohring. “In this case, it would prompt us to investigate other potential diseases that may be going on. Those with higher risk factors, especially weakened immune systems or autoimmune disease, are the most at risk for reoccurrence.”

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    How Is Postherpetic Neuralgia Treated

    Treatments include lotions or creams and/or other medications not specifically used for pain, such as antidepressants or drugs for epilepsy. Regular pain relievers are not usually effective for this type of pain.

    If pain doesnt lessen, other treatments such as nerve blocks or steroid injections near the area where the nerves exit the spine can be tried. Implantable nerve stimulator devices are an option for severe, ongoing pain that has not responded to other treatments.

    Home Care For Shingles

    Not Sure if it related to shingles, need your opinion : shingles

    Colloidal oatmeal baths are an old standby for relieving the itch of chickenpox and can help with shingles, as well. To speed up the drying out of the blisters, try placing a cool, damp washcloth on the rash If your doctor gives you the green light, stay active while recovering from shingles. Gentle exercise or a favorite activity may help keep your mind off the discomfort.

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    Should I Get The Shingles Vaccine

    “Because the vaccine has been shown to reduce the risk of developing herpes zoster and shingles complications, getting the vaccine is highly recommended,” says Dr. Mohring. “I strongly recommend it for all patients 50 years or older and those who are immunocompromised. It’s safe and effective and reduces severity if you have a breakthrough episode.”

    The Shingrix vaccine is a two-dose series given two to six months apart. It’s been shown to be over 90% effective in preventing shingles and postherpetic neuralgia and remains over 85% effective for at least four years afterward. You will not get shingles from this vaccine, and it is generally safe for those with weakened immune systems.

    What Shingles Symptoms Come Next

    After about 1 to 5 days, a shingles rash will appear on one side of the body, often in a single characteristic band around one side of the torso or face.

    The painful rash will then form itchy or burning blister-like sores filled with a clear fluid. The blisters will scab over in 7 to 10 days. Theyll gradually grow smaller before disappearing.

    Shingles rash symptoms commonly last between 2 to 4 weeks.

    The typical shingles red rash or blisters occur after pain, itching, and tingling. They are usually limited to one side of the face and body.

    Shinglesrash and blisters appear on one side of the face extending to the scalp and ear.

    If the rash involves the ear, it can lead to hearing loss, imbalance, and weakness of the facial muscles. Shingles rash on the scalp causes pain while combing or brushing and bald patches. Shingles can occur in the mouth and are usually very painful, causing pain while eating and change in taste.

    • Shingles of the eye and forehead

    Rash and blisters appear around the eye, over the eyelids and one side of the forehead, extending to the tip of the nose. Patients present with burning or throbbing in the eye, with watering of the eyes, swelling, and blurred vision.

    Pain may be present after the rash disappears due to nerve damage but eventually improves. Without treatment, it can lead to corneal damage and vision loss.

    • Shingles on the waist and back
    • Shingles on the buttocks

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    Zoster Sine Herpete : Shingles Without The Rash

    It is possible for a person to develop shingles without being affected by the rash, although this is rare. When shingles occurs without the rash being present, this is called zoster sine herpete .

    When shingles occurs without a rash, the first symptoms of the condition may involve:

    • A feeling of numbness in a certain area
    • An itchy, burning sensation
    • Generalized aches
    • Hypersensitivity to touch

    When shingles is present, even without the rash, sensations will be concentrated in a specific area of the body â commonly the face, neck, one side of the torso or the eyes. However, in the absence of the shingles rash, zoster sine herpete may still rarely lead to neurological and visceral diseases, such as inflammation of the brain , Varizella pneumonia, paralysis of the facial nerves and problems related to keeping oneâs balance or problems with hearing.

    Because shingles shares characteristics with many other conditions, including herpes simplex, impetigo, dermatitis herpetiformis and contact dermatitis, it can easily be confused with these conditions. In cases where a rash is not present, a laboratory test will usually be necessary to establish the presence of the varicella zoster virus in the body.

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