Thursday, July 25, 2024

When Can You Get Your Shingles Shot

Who Should Not Get The Shingles Vaccine

Yes, you can get the shingles vaccine after getting your COVID vaccine

Some people shouldnt get the shingles vaccine. These people include those:

  • Who currently have shingles.
  • Who have had a severe allergic reaction to the shingles vaccine in the past.
  • Who have tested negative for immunity to the varicella-zoster virus, meaning youve never had chickenpox. If youve never had chickenpox, you should get the chickenpox vaccine.
  • Who are ill. You should wait until your illness has passed before receiving the shingles vaccine.
  • Who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Key Points To Remember

  • Shingles can be very painful.
  • Adults ages 50 and older and adults 19 and older who have a weakened immune system can get the vaccine. You need two doses, whether or not you’ve had shingles before.
  • The vaccine greatly lowers your chances of getting shingles. If you get shingles anyway, you are less likely to have the long-term pain that can occur after shingles than if you hadn’t had the vaccine.
  • If you’ve already had shingles, you are not likely to get it again. But some people do.

Whats The Outlook For People Who Have Shingles

Shingles can be painful but the blisters often begin to heal within a week. Your skin usually clears up within a month.

People who develop PHN can have it for months or years afterward, but not everyone who has shingles will develop PHN.

Healthcare professionals can help treat shingles and shorten its duration with prescription antiviral drugs. These can also reduce your likelihood of having PHN.

Most people only get shingles once, though it is possible to get it again.

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What Are The Side Effects

The shingles vaccines are very safe.

Common side effects to the vaccines include headache as well as soreness, redness and swelling where the vaccine was given. Itching and a rash may also occur after getting Zostavax® II. Other reactions that may occur after getting Shingrix® include fever, muscle soreness, fatigue, shivering, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

It is important to stay in the clinic for 15 minutes after getting any vaccine because there is an extremely rare possibility of anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening allergic reaction. This may include hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the throat, tongue, or lips. The chance of true anaphylaxis is about 1 in 1 million vaccine doses. Should this reaction occur, your health care provider is prepared to treat it. Emergency treatment includes administration of epinephrine and transfer by ambulance to the nearest emergency department. If symptoms develop after you leave the clinic, call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. Learn more about anaphylaxis on our vaccine side effects page.

It is important to always report serious or unexpected reactions to your health care provider.

What Is A Naat Covid Test Vs An Antigen Test

BAY Health &  Wellbeing

A Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, or NAAT, is a type of viral diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. NAATs detect genetic material . NAATs for SARS-CoV-2 specifically identify the RNA sequences that comprise the genetic material of the virus. A PCR test is a type of NAAT test.

Antibody tests detect viral proteins, and function best when more of the virus is present in the sample, so they may fail to detect the presence of the virus in mild or asymptomatic cases. NAAT tests accurately detect even a small amount of the virus in the body, decreasing the chance of a false negative, and the associated risk of spreading the virus.

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What Are The Different Types Of Pneumonia Shot

There are two different types of pneumonia vaccines. These are:

  • Pneumonoccal conjugate vaccines . PCVs contain sugars from the outside of the pneumococcus bacteria which are linked, or conjugated, to a protein. The protein helps to improve the immune response to the vaccine. There are three types of PCV:
  • Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines . PPSVs contain purified sugars from the outside of the pneumococcus bacteria. Theres one type of PPSV, called PPSV23 .
  • The table below helps to explain some of the key differences between the four pneumonia shots.

    usually given to adults aged 65 and older whove never had a PCV vaccine usually given to adults aged 65 and older whove never had a PCV vaccine usually given once to adults aged 65 and older one year after receiving the PCV15 vaccine
    People with certain medical conditions may also be given to children and adolescents aged two through 18 if they have certain health conditions that increase their risk of pneumococcal disease may also be given to people aged two through 64 if they have certain health conditions that increase their risk of pneumococcal disease may also be given to adults aged 19 to 64 if they have certain health conditions that increase their risk of pneumococcal disease may be given to people aged two through 64 whove received the PCV13 or PCV15 vaccine

    Some other things to keep in mind:

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    Make A Plan To Get 2 Doses

    • You can get Shingrix at your doctors office or pharmacy. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting Shingrix.
    • Plan to get your second dose of Shingrix 2 to 6 months after your first dose.

    Five years later, I still take prescription medication for pain. My shingles rash quickly developed into open, oozing sores that in only a few days required me to be hospitalized. I could not eat, sleep, or perform even the most minor tasks. It was totally debilitating. The pain still limits my activity levels to this day.

    A 63-year-old harpist who was unable to continue playing due to shingles

    Recommended Reading: How Do Adults Get Shingles

    What Should You Do If You Have Shingles

    These simple steps can help you reduce the severity and spread of shingles:

    • Cover the rash at all times
    • Do not touch or scratch the rash
    • Wash hands often to prevent the spread of the virus
    • Before the rash develops crusts, avoid contact with:
    • pregnant women who have never had chickenpox or been vaccinated against it
    • premature or low birth-weight infants
    • people with weakened immune systems including those receiving immunosuppressive medications or undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients, and people with HIV.

    When Should I Get The Second Dose

    Shingles: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment with Dr. Mark Shalauta | San Diego Health

    The CDC recommends that adults ages 50 and older get a second dose of Shingrix two to six months after their first dose. If youve waited longer than six months since your first dose of Shingrix, its safe to get a second dose right away. Most people dont need to repeat the first dose.

    Some immunocompromised adults may need a second dose within one to two months. If you have a disease or are taking medication that affects your immune system, talk to your healthcare provider about the best timeline for your two doses of the shingles vaccine.

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    When To See A Healthcare Provider

    For most people, the effects of Shingrix are mild and short-term. In very rare cases, Shingrix can cause more serious side effects.

    Seek urgent medical care if you experience signs of a severe allergic reaction a few minutes or hours after your second dose of Shingrix, such as:

    • Rapid heartbeat
    • Facial swelling
    • Swelling in the throat or mouth

    You should also let your healthcare provider know if your Shingrix side effects are severe or arent going away on their own.

    When To See A Doctor For The Possible Side Effects Of A Shingle Vaccine

    Most side effects of the shingles vaccine will resolve on their own within a few days of vaccination or can be treated with over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

    In the rare case that you develop a more serious reaction after vaccination, you should call a doctor or go to a health clinic.

    Medical emergency

    Its rare but possible to have a serious allergic reaction to a shingles vaccine. Call emergency services or go to the nearest emergency room if you experience the following symptoms after a vaccination:

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    How Much Does Shingrix Cost

    The price you pay for Shingrix can vary. Your cost may depend on your treatment plan, your insurance coverage , and the pharmacy you use. It will also depend on how much you have to pay for visits with your doctor if you get Shingrix at a healthcare facility.

    To find out how much youll pay for Shingrix, talk with your doctor, pharmacist, or insurance provider.

    On these sites, you can find insurance information, details on drug assistance programs, and links to savings cards and other services.

    While no coupon is offered for Shingrix, most insurance plans cover the vaccine for eligible adults. If you dont have insurance, a program called GSK for You may be available to help with the cost of Shingrix.

    If you have questions about how to pay for your vaccine, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

    Below are answers to some common questions about Shingrix and cost.

    Reasons To Get The Shingles Vaccine

    Ask your GP about the shingles vaccination

    Once a person develops chickenpox after contracting the varicella-zoster virus, the virus never leaves the body. It remains dormant in the nerve roots and can reappear as shingles later in life.

    The primary symptom of shingles is a painful rash on one side of the body, most often on the torso or face. People initially have pain or a burning sensation on the skin without a rash, and then painful blisters develop. The rash lasts approximately seven to 10 days and fully clears within two to four weeks.

    The likelihood of developing shingles increases dramatically after age 50. Therefore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all adults age 50 and over receive two doses of Shingrix to prevent shingles. The vaccine is recommended even if a person is unsure if they have ever had chickenpox.

    People with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for shingles. Therefore, the Food and Drug Administration also recently approved Shingrix vaccination for adults age 18 and older who are at risk for shingles due to immunodeficiency or immunosuppression caused by an underlying disease or medication.

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    Is Shingles Contagious

    If you have shingles, then you have an active VZV virus, and you can spread this virus to those who have never had chickenpox before . However, this spread is only through direct contact, so you can help reduce the spread of shingles by covering the rash. In addition, those with singles cannot spread the virus before the rash appears.

    If someone is infected after coming in contact with the shingles virus, they will develop chickenpox, not shingles.

    How Is Shingles Spread

    You do not “catch” shingles it comes on when there’s a reawakening of chickenpox virus that’s already in your body. The virus can be reactivated because of a range of issues, including advancing age, medicine, illness or stress.

    Anyone who has had chickenpox can get shingles. It’s estimated that around 1 in 5 people who have had chickenpox go on to develop shingles.

    Read more about the causes of shingles.

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    Who Should Not Have The Shingles Vaccine

    You should not have the shingles vaccine if you’ve had a serious allergic reaction in the past to a previous dose of the shingles vaccine, or to any of the ingredients in the vaccine, or to a previous dose of varicella vaccine.

    If you have a weakened immune system a GP or practice nurse will assess which vaccine is suitable for you. Discuss any health concerns with the GP or practice nurse before you have the vaccine.

    Zostavax is not suitable for people who have a weakened immune system due to a condition, treatment or medicine.

    New Shingles Vaccine: What You Need To Know

    Shingles: What you need to know about causes, symptoms, and prevention.

    Nov. 13, 2019 — Unlike some vaccines, thereâs been so much demand for the new shingles vaccineShingrix that itâs not always easy to find. It was approved in 2017, and the CDC recommends the vaccine for adults 50 and older to prevent this painful, blistering illness. It is being used in place of the previous vaccine, Zostavax.

    More than a year later, doctors say they are learning more about how it works, its safety risks, and how it compares to Zostavax.

    How effective is Shingrix?

    âIt’s just remarkable,” says Wilbur Chen, MD, an associate professor of medicine at the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine. “It has performed better than I expected.”

    In studies, Shingrix was more than 97% effective at preventing shingles in people 50 and older. It works just as well in older adults, who are at greater risk for a painful shingles complication called postherpetic neuralgia . “When 70- and 80-year-olds get shingles, it can be extremely debilitating,” Chen says.

    By contrast, Zostavax cuts the risk of shingles by only 51% and PHN by 67%. It’s only about 38% effective in people over age 70.

    How safe is Shingrix?

    “So far so good,” Schaffner says. The main side effect is soreness in the arm where you get the shot.

    Other side effects are mild and usually last for 2 to 3 days, including:

    Who shouldn’t get Shingrix?

    Can I get the Shingrix vaccine now?

    What do doctors still need to learn about Shingrix?

    Recommended Reading: When Is Shingles Not Contagious

    Are There Any Restrictions After A Shingles Shot

    You should not receive the shingles vaccine if you are pregnant, if you have an active shingles infection, or if you previously had an allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine. If youre eligible for the vaccine and receive the vaccination, there are no restrictions afterward and you can leave the doctors office or pharmacy as soon as the shot is complete.

    Who Is A Candidate For The Shingles Vaccine

    Adults 50 years and older. Immunocompetent adults 50 years and older should get two doses of Shingrix, 2 to 6 months apart.

    Adults 19 years and older with weakened immunity. Immunity could be reduced by diseases like HIV, leukemia, or lymphoma. The immunosuppressive medicines given with organ transplants, and chemotherapy for cancer, also weaken immunity. The vaccine is safe and effective in people with multiple myeloma and other blood cancers, solid organ cancer, people with HIV, and renal transplant recipients.

    People who have had shingles. Unlike chickenpox, shingles can happen again. The shingles vaccine works well if you’ve had shingles before. You will have stronger immunity against further attacks of shingles.

    People who took Zostavax. This shingles vaccine is no longer in use in the US. People who took it should take two doses of RZV.

    Do your age or health situation make you eligible for the vaccine? Weighing the benefits and potential dangers will let you make the best decision for yourself.

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    Pneumococcal Diseases & Pneumonia Shots

    There is a category of diseases called pneumococcal disease, of which pneumonia is one of the most dangerousthe other most dangerous being meningitis. People with diabetes are about three times more likely to die with flu and pneumococcal diseases, yet most dont get a simple, safe pneumonia shot.

    Symptoms of pneumonia include:

    Cough that can produce mucus that is gray, yellow, or streaked with blood Chest pain

    Who Should Get Zostavax

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    People 60 years of age or older should get shingles vaccine . They should get the vaccine whether or not they recall having had chickenpox, which is caused by the same virus as shingles. Studies show that more than 99% of Americans aged 40 and older have had chickenpox, even if they dont remember getting the disease. There is no maximum age for getting shingles vaccine.

    Two vaccines are licensed and recommended to prevent shingles in the U.S.. Zoster vaccine live has been in use since 2006. Recombinant zoster vaccine , has been in use since 2017 and is recommended by ACIP as the preferred shingles vaccine.

    Even if you have had shingles, you can still receive shingles vaccine to help prevent future occurrences of the disease. There is no specific length of time you must wait after having shingles before receiving shingles vaccine, but generally you should make sure the shingles rash has disappeared before getting vaccinated. The decision on when to get vaccinated should be made with your healthcare provider.

    Talk with your healthcare provider if you have questions about shingles vaccine. Shingles vaccine is available in doctors offices and pharmacies. To find doctors offices or pharmacies near you that offer the vaccine, visit Zostavax or HealthMap Vaccine Finder.

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    How Does The Shingles Vaccine Work

    The vaccine recommended for most people is a live vaccine called Zostavax. It contains a weakened chickenpox virus . It’s similar, but not identical, to the chickenpox vaccine.

    People with a weakened immune system cannot have live vaccines. They will be offered a non-live vaccine called Shingrix. It activates the immune system but also contains an ingredient called an adjuvant, which helps to boost the response to the vaccine.

    Very occasionally, people develop chickenpox following shingles vaccination . Talk to a GP if this happens to you.

    What Are The Advantages Of Getting The Shingles Vaccine

    The shingles vaccine reduces your risk of getting shingles. Shingles causes a painful rash that usually develops on one side of your body or face. Some people describe the pain as an intense burning or shooting sensation. The rash is often a single strip that wraps around one side of your body or is on one side of your face. It consists of blisters that normally crust over in seven to 10 days. The rash generally clears up within a month.

    Some people with shingles also experience additional symptoms including fever, headache, chills or upset stomach.

    For some people, the pain from the rash can last for months or even years after the rash goes away. This long-term pain is called postherpetic neuralgia , and it is the most common complication of shingles.

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